Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assess the concept of cosmopolitan democracy Essay

Assess the concept of cosmopolitan democracy - Essay Example Later on, other important issues such as global environmental problems, global justice system, crimes against humanity and economic and cultural globalisation added to the global peace concern. The concept of cosmopolitan democracy was supposed to resolve or at least alleviate these global problems. The main idea of cosmopolitan democracy is to design and implement "a system of governance arising from and adapting to the diverse conditions and interconnections between different peoples and nations" (Held, 1998: 25). David Held and Daniele Archibugi, the most renowned European theorists of cosmopolitan democracy, argue that although democracy has gained universal acclaim as the best form of political establishment after fall of the Iron Curtail and end of the Cold War, it influences only domestic level, while the realm of international relations remains practically unaffected by democratic processes. International institutions, including the United Nations organization and European Union do not care much about democratisation of their activities which results in lack of accountability and restricted public access to information. The risk is that if this tendency remains, democratic forms of governance will give up to authoritarianism (McGrew, 2002). Cosmopolitanism offers an alternative that helps effectively fi... Democracy is to be conceptualized as a process, rather than as a set of norms and procedures. A feuding system of states hampers democracy within states. Democracy within states favours peace, but does not necessarily produce a virtuous foreign policy. Global democracy is not just the achievement of democracy within each state. Globalization erodes states' political autonomy and thereby curtails the efficacy of state-based democracy. The stakeholders' communities in a relevant and growing number of specific issues do not necessarily coincide with states' territorial borders. Globalization engenders new social movements engaged with issues that affect other individuals and communities, even when these are geographically and culturally very distant from their own political community (Archibugi, 2004: 439). These assumptions suggest that contemporary form of national democracy must be seriously transformed in order to survive. Firstly, the sovereignty of the nation states must be restricted by increasing numbers of international treaties and conventions. Secondly, the existing international governing structures must be reformed to provide a better opportunity for international dialogue and democratic decision-making. Thus, Derk Bienen, another known theorist of cosmopolitan democracy, claims that in order to achieve these goals the UN must establish a second chamber consisting of members elected directly by people, the veto-right of the Security Council should be limited, and the system of international courts has to be strengthened and reformed in a way to provide better protection for individuals. Initially, the UN was founded not as an assembly of democratic states: the primary purpose of this organization was to prevent military conflicts similar to WWII.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Philippine Currency Evolution Essay Example for Free

The Philippine Currency Evolution Essay During the Spanish occupation, when they came here in the Philippines in 1521 they brought with them the first European coin called teston. Also it is the first silver coin. When the Galleon trade exercised the earliest coins during the Spanish colonization was the Macuqinas or the cobs. It has a irregular, oddly-shaped coins stamped with a cross on the other side side and a royal coat of armson the other. These coins circulated over 183 years from 1585 to 1768. During the reign of King Philip the fifth of Spain the first rounded machine struck coins with milted edges appeared. These coins called the Dos Mundos or Columnarias. It is one of the most beautiful coin ever produce. It came the time of the coins ? Barillas ¶, the first copper coins to be minted in thePhilippines and after how many colonizers came to our country currency changes. Coins from other Spanish colonies also reached the Philippines and were counter stamped. Gold coins with the portrait of Queen Isabela were minted in Manila. Silver pesos with the profile of young Alfonso XIII were the last coins minted in Spain. The pesos fuertes, issued by the country’s first bank, the El Banco Espanol Filipino de Isabel II, were the first paper money circulated in the country. 898-1899 Asserting its independence, the Philippine Republic of 1898 under General Emilio Aguinaldo issued its own coins and paper currency backed by the country’s natural resources. One peso and five peso notes printed as Republika Filipina Papel Moneda de Un Peso and Cinco Pesos were freely circulated. 2 centimos de peso copper were also issued in 1899. 1900-19 41 The Americans instituted a monetary system for the Philippine based on gold and pegged the Philippine peso to the American dollar at the ratio of 2:1. The new design series of banknotes issued in 1985 replaced the ABL series. Ten years later, a new set of coins and notes were issued carrying the logo of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. As the repository and custodian of country’s numismatic heritage, the Museo ng Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas collects, studies and preserves coins, paper notes, medals, artifacts and monetary items found in the Philippines during the different historical periods. It features a visual narration of the development of the Philippine economy parallel to the evolution of its currency.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Home Schooling :: Free Essay Writer

Home Schooling Is home schooling a better option for our children? I believe that the author’s main point is that there are two dissimilar types of group’s that home school, and additionally that parents can customize there children’s schooling is a â€Å"Consumer mentality†. The two categories of home schooling have â€Å"Emerged†, both of which is complicated about customization.† The superior of the grouping is the â€Å"Christian right†, although home schooling has grow to be a much more diverse endeavors in the past 10 years†. The â€Å"Strength as a social movement and the majority of is practitioners are conservative Christians.† Both kinds of home schooled as in the, â€Å"Family unit who instructs the child exclusively at home and the family unit who inquires about some interface with the community school organization is practicing customizing in education.† In addition, home schooling is supplementary than an, â€Å"Education alternative.† It is also a societal interest group, in 1986; approximately 50,000 offspring were being sophisticate at there dwelling. â€Å"In 2002, at slightest 1 million offspring’s is being home school; with some approximation attach the quantity at 2 million, and amplify of 20†. I believe that the instigator purpose of the commentary is that, â€Å"Parents view their child’s education on a matter of properly under their control, and no one else’s†. In addition, that some of the parents feel that they are, â€Å"Entitled to purchase the education of their child from the market place of learning material†. I consider that all parents should have the chose to customize their child’s education, to their own characteristics. If parents want to protect their children from diverse things in the world, in that case they should be capable to. In addition, I concur with that how home schooling parents are so dedicated to their children having an excellent education. I agree with the author stated that home schooling seems to be â€Å"Wonderful if people think about education as a consumption tool†. My position of the commentary is that I concur with what the author declared in the entire article. I believe parents that home school their children are significantly worried about how their children obtain their education, and that they would do anything for there child to have an excellent education. Residency is the societal adhesive that unites the diverse people together; to be a national is to contribute to something in common with one’s fellow citizens. As the legal scholar Sunstein (2001) has argue, a â€Å"Heterogeneous society† with out some share experiences and some common values.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Financial Independence and the Single Woman Essay

Most, if not all of Jane Austen’s renowned novels feature the trials and tribulations of single women—from Pride and Prejudice, to Sense and Sensibility, to Emma. The focus is specifically on the concept of marriage as the only viable choice for a single woman, if she wished to live substantially in her later years. However, while the subject of being wed to a suitable gentleman is present in Emma, the main character possesses a quality different from those in the other stories mentioned—Emma Woodhouse is financially stable. Therefore, this discussion of Austen’s Emma will be done through a different angle, which runs contrary to the author’s quote above. Matrimony in Emma is thoroughly explored and its nature as a solution for an unmarried woman’s future, yet it apparently does not apply to the story’s protagonist. Further arguments will expose the same logic as it is perceived today—after all, Austen wrote most of her work during the mid- to late 19th century. II. Emma Woodhouse and Matchmaking The penchant of the title character for matching her women friends with possible grooms composes the running narrative of the story. Because of a previous success, Emma decides to do the same for her friend Harriet Smith, an innocent but socially-inept young woman. Emma pours all of her efforts in setting Harriet up with the pompous Mr. Elton, and cut all possibilities of Harriet’s consideration of a marriage proposal she had received from Mr. Martin, a young farmer. Eventually, after many plot twists and turns and appearances of more characters, her plans backfire as the arrogant Elton reveals his true desire for Emma, and not for Harriet. Harriet happily ends up with Martin, and Emma admits to her own affections for her longtime friend Mr. Knightley. It is obvious that Emma’s obsession with matchmaking does not cover merely attraction; she chose Mr. Elton for Harriet mainly because of his financial stability, being the local vicar. Compared to the income of a regular farmer, a vicar would ensure a better life for Harriet. Clearly, the era’s societal norms and economic potential for women are at play, for woman were generally not entitled to many occupational choices; the most common would be as a family teacher or governess, both which are not financially rewarding. But the biggest bane of women then was the possibility of being single until they reach an age unacceptable for marriage—which would be around the mid-20s. For Emma, born into a wealthy family and allowed to make her own decisions, the best way to make sure her less fortunate women friends would have good lives ahead would be to marry a rich man. This is not explicitly implied in the story, as Emma’s designs were disguised as just a bored, rich girl’s newest hobby. However, in analyzing her own conditions as well as her initial rejection of the poor Mr. Martin for Harriet, it is obvious that she subscribes to the concept of marriage being the only solution for women other than herself.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle In a perfect world we would all be  eating the right food,  exercising, sleeping well  and just generally enjoying life. In the real world most of us manage a percentage of the  healthy lifestyle  and muddle through as best we can with the rest of it. Part of the problem is we are encouraged to think, mostly by the media, that we should be doing everything possible towards a healthy lifestyle, all of the time. For most of us this is just not possible. Constant concern about what we should or shouldn't be doing causes our stress levels to go up and that negates any good work that we've done. Yes, we should certainly try for a healthy lifestyle, but the two key words are â€Å"moderation† and â€Å"balance†. By applying these criteria to achieving a healthy lifestyle we won't be beating ourselves up for failing another diet or dropping out of the latest exercise regime. A common mistake that many people make when they decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to try to do too much too soon. They then give themselves a guilt complex when it all falls apart. It is also easy to be influenced by others, when we should only be adopting a healthy lifestyle plan to suit ourselves. Ah! Did I say lifestyle plan? Do you have one, or do you just try the next thing that is in your magazine or Sunday supplement? By all means read these articles and take them into account as you  plan how you want your healthy lifestyle to take shape. Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have got to run a mile before breakfast, eat seeds and think pure thoughts. Great if that's what you want, but for most of us â€Å"healthy† means being in reasonable shape, eating our fruit and vegetables and generally having a feeling of vitality. Decide on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, and then plan a strategy that works for you. As part of my health plan I decided I wanted to walk in the mornings before breakfast, but there was no way I wanted to get up at the crack of dawn to do it. So I planned a ten minute circuit that includes a short flight of steps and a not too steep incline. I power walked that route every day and felt really good. Sure l wouldn’t make the City to Surf marathon, but I compromised and made it work for me. Today, much is made of organic foods, but the reality is that organic food is generally more expensive and well out of the range for most budgets. Yes organic is probably the best option, but it doesn't mean that if you're not eating all organic you are not eating right. If you're concerned about general produce, be a bit discerning when you shop. Look for fruit and vegetables that are fresh and unblemished. You should also buy product brands that you can trust. If you shop wisely, you can have a well-balanced healthy diet that won't break the bank. Basically living a healthy life means looking at your lifestyle as a whole, it is not just about diet and exercise. It is not always necessary to make major changes. Most people know their weak spots, and are happy if they can make a few changes that show results. A friend of mine was drinking several cans of soft drink a day. She was feeling tired and generally under the weather. When I read an article about the health risk of soft drink I copied it and gave it to her, whereupon she decided to give up the soft drink there and then. A week later she got back to me and said she couldn't believe the difference, her energy levels were up and she was feeling great. Just that one change was able to make a difference and she feels good about the healthy choice. Sleep and leisure time play a big part in a healthy lifestyle,   and for the most part people underestimate the value of good sleep. Our bodies aren’t designed to operate at peak performance twenty four hours a day. Anyone in industry knows that machines that have to work continuously need a lot of maintenance. When we are sleeping our body is healing and regenerating itself and we should wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. We can go without sleep for extended periods, but we can't do it indefinitely. The amount of sleep an individual needs varies a great deal, and there is no such thing as the right time to sleep. Obviously most people sleep at night, but if you are one of those folk that comes alive in the small hours, you might need to catch up with your sleep during the day. A big part of healthy living is being comfortable with yourself. Don't be pressured into trying to attain a certain look, or push yourself down a career path you are not suited to. Constant worry about what you are doing will only have the opposite effect on your health. Don't get paranoid about your  diet,  about what toothpaste you should use or about expensive exercise equipment you need to buy. Allow a common sense approach to dictate when you are making lifestyle choices, and remember, there is nothing wrong with compromise if it means your healthy lifestyle plan will work for you. Article source : http://www. wellbeing-information. com/article-healthy-lifestyle. html Healthy Lifestyle Healthy Lifestyle In a perfect world we would all be  eating the right food,  exercising, sleeping well  and just generally enjoying life. In the real world most of us manage a percentage of the  healthy lifestyle  and muddle through as best we can with the rest of it. Part of the problem is we are encouraged to think, mostly by the media, that we should be doing everything possible towards a healthy lifestyle, all of the time. For most of us this is just not possible. Constant concern about what we should or shouldn't be doing causes our stress levels to go up and that negates any good work that we've done. Yes, we should certainly try for a healthy lifestyle, but the two key words are â€Å"moderation† and â€Å"balance†. By applying these criteria to achieving a healthy lifestyle we won't be beating ourselves up for failing another diet or dropping out of the latest exercise regime. A common mistake that many people make when they decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to try to do too much too soon. They then give themselves a guilt complex when it all falls apart. It is also easy to be influenced by others, when we should only be adopting a healthy lifestyle plan to suit ourselves. Ah! Did I say lifestyle plan? Do you have one, or do you just try the next thing that is in your magazine or Sunday supplement? By all means read these articles and take them into account as you  plan how you want your healthy lifestyle to take shape. Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have got to run a mile before breakfast, eat seeds and think pure thoughts. Great if that's what you want, but for most of us â€Å"healthy† means being in reasonable shape, eating our fruit and vegetables and generally having a feeling of vitality. Decide on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, and then plan a strategy that works for you. As part of my health plan I decided I wanted to walk in the mornings before breakfast, but there was no way I wanted to get up at the crack of dawn to do it. So I planned a ten minute circuit that includes a short flight of steps and a not too steep incline. I power walked that route every day and felt really good. Sure l wouldn’t make the City to Surf marathon, but I compromised and made it work for me. Today, much is made of organic foods, but the reality is that organic food is generally more expensive and well out of the range for most budgets. Yes organic is probably the best option, but it doesn't mean that if you're not eating all organic you are not eating right. If you're concerned about general produce, be a bit discerning when you shop. Look for fruit and vegetables that are fresh and unblemished. You should also buy product brands that you can trust. If you shop wisely, you can have a well-balanced healthy diet that won't break the bank. Basically living a healthy life means looking at your lifestyle as a whole, it is not just about diet and exercise. It is not always necessary to make major changes. Most people know their weak spots, and are happy if they can make a few changes that show results. A friend of mine was drinking several cans of soft drink a day. She was feeling tired and generally under the weather. When I read an article about the health risk of soft drink I copied it and gave it to her, whereupon she decided to give up the soft drink there and then. A week later she got back to me and said she couldn't believe the difference, her energy levels were up and she was feeling great. Just that one change was able to make a difference and she feels good about the healthy choice. Sleep and leisure time play a big part in a healthy lifestyle,   and for the most part people underestimate the value of good sleep. Our bodies aren’t designed to operate at peak performance twenty four hours a day. Anyone in industry knows that machines that have to work continuously need a lot of maintenance. When we are sleeping our body is healing and regenerating itself and we should wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. We can go without sleep for extended periods, but we can't do it indefinitely. The amount of sleep an individual needs varies a great deal, and there is no such thing as the right time to sleep. Obviously most people sleep at night, but if you are one of those folk that comes alive in the small hours, you might need to catch up with your sleep during the day. A big part of healthy living is being comfortable with yourself. Don't be pressured into trying to attain a certain look, or push yourself down a career path you are not suited to. Constant worry about what you are doing will only have the opposite effect on your health. Don't get paranoid about your  diet,  about what toothpaste you should use or about expensive exercise equipment you need to buy. Allow a common sense approach to dictate when you are making lifestyle choices, and remember, there is nothing wrong with compromise if it means your healthy lifestyle plan will work for you. Article source : http://www. wellbeing-information. com/article-healthy-lifestyle. html Healthy Lifestyle A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic illnesses and other health risks such as: †¢ obesity †¢ heart disease †¢ diabetes †¢ cancer etc A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets. There are a number of diets and recommendations by numerous medical and governmental institutions that are designed to promote certain aspects of health. However the most recommended diet is a BALANCED DIET. This diet is even indorsed and recommended by the World Health Organization A balanced diet is a diet that includes appropriate amount of nutrients especially the five major food groups. These five major food groups have been designed and put on a food pyramid to make it easier to understand. It is made up of †¢ carbohydrates †¢ vitamins and minerals †¢ proteins †¢ sugars and fats †¢ water The problem with eating unhealthy foods is  it makes you crave even more junk food. A  handful of chips usually leave you wanting more. Once you break the cycle of unhealthy eating, it’s easier to maintain good eating habits which lead to weight loss. Junk food includes foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cake, hot chips and pizza etc Unhealthy food not only makes one prone to more illnesses, but they can slow down a child’s development. Smoking and regular drinking are also unhealthy. Smoking can cause lung and respiratory diseases, loss of memory as well as skin, nail and teeth damage. Drinking on the other hand can cause serious cases of liver damage, blurred vision and one can even become dependent on this substance. I advise you stay away from any drinking and smoking. So, next time when someone offers you a smoke or a drink, rather take a glass of clean and fresh water! Stay safe! 1. Not smoking 2. Healthy weight 3. Eating healthy – minimum 5 vegetables and fruit per day 4. Exercising 30 minutes, 5 times per week 5. Sleeping for at least eight hours The following five countries participated in the global Youth Tobacco Survey: Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe (Global Youth Tobacco Survey Collaborative Group 2002). The survey showed a significant number of youths age 13 to 15 smoked cigarettes; many more used other tobacco products. Upper Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #1 Shoulder & Chest This can be performed kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Raise hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold. Stretch #2 Arm Across Chest Place one arm straight across chest. place hand on elbow and pull arm towards chest and hold. Repeat with other arm. Stretch #3 Triceps Stretch Place one hand behind back with elbow in air. Place other hand on elbow and gently pull towards head. Hold and repeat with other arm. [pic] Lower Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #4 Glute Stretch Sitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side. Stretch #5 Adductor Stretch Stand with feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as knee bends. Reach towards extended foot and hold. Repeat for other side. Stretch #6 Single Leg Hamstring Place leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend forward from the waist keeping your back flat. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #7 Standing Quadriceps Standing on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #8 Standing Calf Place feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep back leg straight and heel on the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with other leg. Healthy Lifestyle A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic illnesses and other health risks such as: †¢ obesity †¢ heart disease †¢ diabetes †¢ cancer etc A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets. There are a number of diets and recommendations by numerous medical and governmental institutions that are designed to promote certain aspects of health. However the most recommended diet is a BALANCED DIET. This diet is even indorsed and recommended by the World Health Organization A balanced diet is a diet that includes appropriate amount of nutrients especially the five major food groups. These five major food groups have been designed and put on a food pyramid to make it easier to understand. It is made up of †¢ carbohydrates †¢ vitamins and minerals †¢ proteins †¢ sugars and fats †¢ water The problem with eating unhealthy foods is  it makes you crave even more junk food. A  handful of chips usually leave you wanting more. Once you break the cycle of unhealthy eating, it’s easier to maintain good eating habits which lead to weight loss. Junk food includes foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cake, hot chips and pizza etc Unhealthy food not only makes one prone to more illnesses, but they can slow down a child’s development. Smoking and regular drinking are also unhealthy. Smoking can cause lung and respiratory diseases, loss of memory as well as skin, nail and teeth damage. Drinking on the other hand can cause serious cases of liver damage, blurred vision and one can even become dependent on this substance. I advise you stay away from any drinking and smoking. So, next time when someone offers you a smoke or a drink, rather take a glass of clean and fresh water! Stay safe! 1. Not smoking 2. Healthy weight 3. Eating healthy – minimum 5 vegetables and fruit per day 4. Exercising 30 minutes, 5 times per week 5. Sleeping for at least eight hours The following five countries participated in the global Youth Tobacco Survey: Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe (Global Youth Tobacco Survey Collaborative Group 2002). The survey showed a significant number of youths age 13 to 15 smoked cigarettes; many more used other tobacco products. Upper Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #1 Shoulder & Chest This can be performed kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Raise hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold. Stretch #2 Arm Across Chest Place one arm straight across chest. place hand on elbow and pull arm towards chest and hold. Repeat with other arm. Stretch #3 Triceps Stretch Place one hand behind back with elbow in air. Place other hand on elbow and gently pull towards head. Hold and repeat with other arm. [pic] Lower Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #4 Glute Stretch Sitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side. Stretch #5 Adductor Stretch Stand with feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as knee bends. Reach towards extended foot and hold. Repeat for other side. Stretch #6 Single Leg Hamstring Place leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend forward from the waist keeping your back flat. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #7 Standing Quadriceps Standing on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #8 Standing Calf Place feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep back leg straight and heel on the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with other leg. Healthy Lifestyle Healthy Lifestyle In a perfect world we would all be  eating the right food,  exercising, sleeping well  and just generally enjoying life. In the real world most of us manage a percentage of the  healthy lifestyle  and muddle through as best we can with the rest of it. Part of the problem is we are encouraged to think, mostly by the media, that we should be doing everything possible towards a healthy lifestyle, all of the time. For most of us this is just not possible. Constant concern about what we should or shouldn't be doing causes our stress levels to go up and that negates any good work that we've done. Yes, we should certainly try for a healthy lifestyle, but the two key words are â€Å"moderation† and â€Å"balance†. By applying these criteria to achieving a healthy lifestyle we won't be beating ourselves up for failing another diet or dropping out of the latest exercise regime. A common mistake that many people make when they decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to try to do too much too soon. They then give themselves a guilt complex when it all falls apart. It is also easy to be influenced by others, when we should only be adopting a healthy lifestyle plan to suit ourselves. Ah! Did I say lifestyle plan? Do you have one, or do you just try the next thing that is in your magazine or Sunday supplement? By all means read these articles and take them into account as you  plan how you want your healthy lifestyle to take shape. Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have got to run a mile before breakfast, eat seeds and think pure thoughts. Great if that's what you want, but for most of us â€Å"healthy† means being in reasonable shape, eating our fruit and vegetables and generally having a feeling of vitality. Decide on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, and then plan a strategy that works for you. As part of my health plan I decided I wanted to walk in the mornings before breakfast, but there was no way I wanted to get up at the crack of dawn to do it. So I planned a ten minute circuit that includes a short flight of steps and a not too steep incline. I power walked that route every day and felt really good. Sure l wouldn’t make the City to Surf marathon, but I compromised and made it work for me. Today, much is made of organic foods, but the reality is that organic food is generally more expensive and well out of the range for most budgets. Yes organic is probably the best option, but it doesn't mean that if you're not eating all organic you are not eating right. If you're concerned about general produce, be a bit discerning when you shop. Look for fruit and vegetables that are fresh and unblemished. You should also buy product brands that you can trust. If you shop wisely, you can have a well-balanced healthy diet that won't break the bank. Basically living a healthy life means looking at your lifestyle as a whole, it is not just about diet and exercise. It is not always necessary to make major changes. Most people know their weak spots, and are happy if they can make a few changes that show results. A friend of mine was drinking several cans of soft drink a day. She was feeling tired and generally under the weather. When I read an article about the health risk of soft drink I copied it and gave it to her, whereupon she decided to give up the soft drink there and then. A week later she got back to me and said she couldn't believe the difference, her energy levels were up and she was feeling great. Just that one change was able to make a difference and she feels good about the healthy choice. Sleep and leisure time play a big part in a healthy lifestyle,   and for the most part people underestimate the value of good sleep. Our bodies aren’t designed to operate at peak performance twenty four hours a day. Anyone in industry knows that machines that have to work continuously need a lot of maintenance. When we are sleeping our body is healing and regenerating itself and we should wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. We can go without sleep for extended periods, but we can't do it indefinitely. The amount of sleep an individual needs varies a great deal, and there is no such thing as the right time to sleep. Obviously most people sleep at night, but if you are one of those folk that comes alive in the small hours, you might need to catch up with your sleep during the day. A big part of healthy living is being comfortable with yourself. Don't be pressured into trying to attain a certain look, or push yourself down a career path you are not suited to. Constant worry about what you are doing will only have the opposite effect on your health. Don't get paranoid about your  diet,  about what toothpaste you should use or about expensive exercise equipment you need to buy. Allow a common sense approach to dictate when you are making lifestyle choices, and remember, there is nothing wrong with compromise if it means your healthy lifestyle plan will work for you. Article source : http://www. wellbeing-information. com/article-healthy-lifestyle. html Healthy Lifestyle A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic illnesses and other health risks such as: †¢ obesity †¢ heart disease †¢ diabetes †¢ cancer etc A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets. There are a number of diets and recommendations by numerous medical and governmental institutions that are designed to promote certain aspects of health. However the most recommended diet is a BALANCED DIET. This diet is even indorsed and recommended by the World Health Organization A balanced diet is a diet that includes appropriate amount of nutrients especially the five major food groups. These five major food groups have been designed and put on a food pyramid to make it easier to understand. It is made up of †¢ carbohydrates †¢ vitamins and minerals †¢ proteins †¢ sugars and fats †¢ water The problem with eating unhealthy foods is  it makes you crave even more junk food. A  handful of chips usually leave you wanting more. Once you break the cycle of unhealthy eating, it’s easier to maintain good eating habits which lead to weight loss. Junk food includes foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cake, hot chips and pizza etc Unhealthy food not only makes one prone to more illnesses, but they can slow down a child’s development. Smoking and regular drinking are also unhealthy. Smoking can cause lung and respiratory diseases, loss of memory as well as skin, nail and teeth damage. Drinking on the other hand can cause serious cases of liver damage, blurred vision and one can even become dependent on this substance. I advise you stay away from any drinking and smoking. So, next time when someone offers you a smoke or a drink, rather take a glass of clean and fresh water! Stay safe! 1. Not smoking 2. Healthy weight 3. Eating healthy – minimum 5 vegetables and fruit per day 4. Exercising 30 minutes, 5 times per week 5. Sleeping for at least eight hours The following five countries participated in the global Youth Tobacco Survey: Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe (Global Youth Tobacco Survey Collaborative Group 2002). The survey showed a significant number of youths age 13 to 15 smoked cigarettes; many more used other tobacco products. Upper Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #1 Shoulder & Chest This can be performed kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Raise hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold. Stretch #2 Arm Across Chest Place one arm straight across chest. place hand on elbow and pull arm towards chest and hold. Repeat with other arm. Stretch #3 Triceps Stretch Place one hand behind back with elbow in air. Place other hand on elbow and gently pull towards head. Hold and repeat with other arm. [pic] Lower Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #4 Glute Stretch Sitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side. Stretch #5 Adductor Stretch Stand with feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as knee bends. Reach towards extended foot and hold. Repeat for other side. Stretch #6 Single Leg Hamstring Place leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend forward from the waist keeping your back flat. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #7 Standing Quadriceps Standing on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #8 Standing Calf Place feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep back leg straight and heel on the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with other leg.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Qué información tienen en control migratorio de USA

Quà © informacià ³n tienen en control migratorio de USA Mediante el sistema TECS, los oficiales en los controles migratorios  tienen acceso a una gran informacià ³n sobre los extranjeros que desean ingresar a Estados Unidos.   Pero,  ¿quà © tipo de informacià ³n contiene TECS?  ¿Quà © problemas pueden surgir?    ¿Quà © es el sistema TECS de informacià ³n en control migratoriode USA? TECS es una plataforma informtica gestionada por la Policà ­a de Control de Fronteras (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que es parte del Departamento de Seguridad Internet (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En realidad es un sistema de sistemas donde diversas agencias ingresan informacià ³n para que los oficiales de la CBP puedan verificarla respecto a cada extranjero que quiere internarse en el paà ­s. Entre las agencias que suministran informacià ³n a destacan: El FBILas embajadas y consulados americanosLas cortes de JusticiaEl IRS, que es la agencia tributaria de Estados UnidosLas policà ­as locales y estatales.  ¿Quà © sistemas operan dentro de TECS y cà ³mo afectan en la prctica a los viajeros? US-VISIT. Al llegar a la aduana americana, se le toma una foto y las huellas dactilares a la mayorà ­a de los extranjeros. Este sistema permite compararlas con las dadas en el momento de solicitar la visa en consulado o embajada. Asà ­, se impide que una persona utilice el pasaporte de otra para intentar ingresar a Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n sirve para evitar que los extranjeros con dos pasaportes intenten utilizar uno de ellos cuando se les ha denegado la visa americana con el otro. Por ejemplo, un venezolano que tambià ©n es espaà ±ol. Si solicità ³ el visado como venezolano y la solicitud le fue rechazada, luego no puede pretender ingresar con el espaà ±ol, aprovechando que a los ciudadanos de Espaà ±a no se les pide visa para visitas de turismo. Con US-VISIT el oficial de aduanas se da cuenta de que est ante una persona con la visa denegada y posiblemente le impida internarse en el paà ­s. APIS. Es el sistema por el que las aerolà ­neas comunican a las autoridades americanas que un extranjero ha comprado un boleto de avià ³n y pretende viajar hacia Estados Unidos. Entre la informacià ³n que transmiten se encuentra: nombre, apellidos, fecha de nacimiento, gà ©nero y lugar de expedicià ³n del pasaporte. Las aerolà ­neas tambià ©n colaboran comunicando cuando un extranjero embarca en uno de sus aviones cuando sale de Estados Unidos, con lo que la CBP puede saber inmediatamente si ha excedido la estancia autorizada. Recuerda que si no sales a tiempo, asà ­ sea por unas pocas horas, la visa se cancela y los del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas ya no pueden disfrutar de ese privilegio. Adems, si la estancia sin permiso fue superior a seis meses, aplica el castigo o penalidad de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os. IAFIS. Busca en una gran base de datos del huellas dactilares del FBI, al que previamente autoridades policiales locales y estatales han enviado informacià ³n. Asà ­ se puede saber prcticamente al momento si el extranjero que desea entrar en Estados Unidos tiene un rà ©cord criminal y proceder a su detencià ³n o expulsià ³n. En la actualidad IAFIS alberga ms de 55 millones de expedientes, siendo la mayor base de datos del mundo de esta naturaleza. Otros sistemas a destacar dentro de TECS son IDENT y ENFORCE. Adems, el oficial de la CBP puede incorporar informacià ³n nueva como su impresià ³n sobre el extranjero o el resultado de una pequeà ±a conversacià ³n: a quà © viene, por cunto tiempo, dà ³nde se va a alojar, etc.  ¿Quà © sucede cuando el oficial de la CBP tiene acceso a la informacià ³n TECS? En la mayorà ­a de los casos tramitar muy rpidamente la autorizacià ³n de la entrada del extranjero. En la actualidad ms de 900,000 personas pasan a diario por las fronteras americanas. En una media de 32,000 casos diarios ser necesario una segunda inspeccià ³n. De ellos, se calcula que a unos 15 se acceder a la informacià ³n de sus aparatos electrà ³nicos, como telà ©fonos, computadoras, cmaras de fotos, tabletas, etc. Son casos muy extraordinarios y generalmente responde a asuntos relacionados con la seguridad nacional, terrorismo o delitos particularmente horrendos como la pornografà ­a infantil o narcotrfico. La gran mayorà ­a de las personas que deben pasar a una inspeccià ³n secundaria no tendrn ningà ºn problema y se les permitir entrar tras un pequeà ±o retraso para comprobacià ³n de datos. Si bien es posible que en determinados casos a un extranjero se le autorice el ingreso pero se le de una citacià ³n para presentarse ante un juez de inmigracià ³n. Esto sà ³lo pasa si asà ­ lo decide el oficial de inmigracià ³n (no es un derecho del extranjero) y como requisito previo es necesario que tenga al menos una visa en vigor. Es decir, no aplica a las personas autorizadas a viajar sin visa, segà ºn el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados, que no van a ser enviadas a un juez si surgen problemas. Y finalmente a un total aproximado de 210,000 personas al aà ±o se les prohibe la entrada y son devueltas al lugar donde originà ³ su viaje. En estos casos dos situaciones pueden ocurrir: Que el oficial de inmigracià ³n permita una retirada de la peticià ³n de entrar, que es lo ms ventajoso.Que se ordene una expulsià ³n inmediata, con lo que el afectado tiene prohibido el regreso a a EEUU por cinco aà ±os. Adems, su visa actual se ha cancelado. Y si se trata de una persona del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas ya no podr viajar con la ESTA y necesitar solicitar previamente a viajar una visa en el consulado. Hay que tener muy en cuenta que para que una persona extrajera pueda ingresar a Estados Unidos en todo momento tiene que reunir dos condiciones: ser elegible y ser inadmisible. Y es que tener una visa vigente o ser de un paà ­s que permite viajar sin visa no es suficiente. Estas son 22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible y 20 que la convierten en inelegible. Estas razones tienes consecuencias en los consulados a la hora de aprobar una visa o su renovacià ³n y tambià ©n en los controles migratorios de Estados Unidos.  ¿Quà © hacer si siempre te envà ­an a inspeccià ³n secundaria, te hacen perder vuelos de enlace, crees que hay informacià ³n errà ³nea sobre ti en el sistema? El DHS tiene un sistema para poder comunicar esas quejas e intentar subsanar posibles errores. Lo que hay que entender es que los extranjeros no tienen un derecho a entrar en Estados Unidos, aunque tengan visa en vigor. Y, por lo tanto, no hay ninguna violacià ³n de un derecho que no existe. No se puede demandar, ya que no hay derecho que exigir. Sà ­ se puede intentar arreglar errores o dejar pasar el tiempo en caso de castigos por determinadas acciones. A tener en cuenta Es posible que una persona que nunca haya tenido ningà ºn problema para ingresar, un dà ­a se encuentre con que es parada y no se le permite. Eso puede deberse a que ciertos elementos pueden ser interpretados y analizados de manera distinta, segà ºn el oficial de inmigracià ³n que toque, por ejemplo,  ¿cà ³mo se determina si una persona tiene intencià ³n de quedarse dentro de EEUU? Un agente puede verlo de una manera y otro de otra. Pero tambià ©n es posible que simplemente se haya introducido en TECS un dato que hasta ese momento no figuraba. Puede ser reciente o viejo. Y una vez que le consta al oficial de la CBP determinadas actividades decide prohibir la entrada. Por otro lado, la frontera terrestre, especialmente con Mà ©xico- tambià ©n se protege con aparatos tecnolà ³gicos de à ºltima generacià ³n, aà ºn sin la construccià ³n del muro propuesto por el presidente Trump. Finalmente, tener presente que no sà ³lo la CBP tiene acceso a TECS sino ms agencias del gobierno estadounidense como NCIC y NLETS, e incluso se le permite al CPIC que es de Canad. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Two american Dreams essays

Two american Dreams essays In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, many themes are enclosed; the most salient of these themes is related to the American Dream. The American Dream is based on the idea that any person, no matter what they are, can become successful in life by his or her hard work. The dream also embodies the idea of a self-sufficient person, an entrepreneur making it successful for themselves. The Great Gatsby is about what happened to the American Dream during the 1920s, an era when the dream had been corrupted by the relentless pursuit of wealth. In this novel, the pursuit of the American Dream and the pursuit of a romantic dream are the ultimate causes of the downfall of the books title character, Jay Gatsby. Throughout the story, Jay Gatsby avoids telling the truth of his hard, unglamorous childhood. He does this to keep his superficial image of himself and to save himself from the embarrassment of being in a state of poverty during his youth. His parents were lazy and unsuccessful peop le who worked on the farm, and because of this Gatsby never really accepted them as his parents. Jay Gatsbys real name is James Gatz and he is from the very unexciting North Dakota. He changed his name to Jay Gatsby when he was seventeen years old, which was the beginning of his version of the American Dream. In all realities Gatsby arose from his Platonic view of himself, the idealistic self-view that a seventeen year old boy has of himself (Fitzgerald 104). Though concealed for most of the story, Gatsbys embarrassing childhood is a major source of determination in his attempt to achieve the American Dream. During Gatsbys early adulthood, he joined the army. He first met Daisy when he was at Camp Taylor and he and some other officers stopped by her house. He initially loved Daisy because of her extraordinary house and because many other men had been with her already. One evening in October, during 1917, Gatsby fell in love with Dai...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

MIT Sloan Programs and Admissions

MIT Sloan Programs and Admissions When most people think of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), they think about science and technology, but this prestigious university offers education beyond those two fields. MIT has five different schools, including the MIT Sloan School of Management. MIT Sloan School of Management, also known as MIT Sloan, is one of the best-ranked business schools in the world. It is also one of the M7 business schools, an informal network of the most elite business schools in the United States. Students who enroll in MIT Sloan have the opportunity to graduate with a respected degree from a reputable school with brand name awareness. MIT Sloan School of Management is based in Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The presence of the school and the number of entrepreneurial start-ups in the area has led to Kendall Square being known as the most innovative square mile on the planet. MIT Sloan Enrollment and Faculty Approximately 1,300 students are enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs at MIT Sloan School of Management. Some of these programs result in a degree, while others, such as the executive education programs, result in a certificate. Students, who sometimes refer to themselves as Sloanies, are taught by more than 200 faculty members and lecturers. The MIT Sloan faculty is diverse and includes researchers, policy experts, economists, entrepreneurs, business executives, and practitioners in a wide range of business and management fields.   MIT Sloan Programs for Undergraduate Students Students who are accepted to the undergraduate program at MIT Sloan School of Management can choose from four basic education tracks: 15 Management Science: In this relatively new track of study, students learn how to use quantitative tools and qualitative methods to design and maintain complex systems and solve real-world managerial problems related to logistics and strategy.15:1 Management: This degree program is the most flexible undergraduate program at MIT Sloan. It is designed to give students a broad, foundational education in business and management while allowing them to choose minors and electives that will directly relate to their chosen careers.15:2 Business Analytics: In this undergraduate MIT Sloan program, students learn how to collect, analyze, and optimize data to make informed business decisions.15:3 Finance: In this MIT Sloan program, students study all aspects of finance, including accounting, microeconomics, and statistics. They also have a chance to choose finance-related electives that will help them learn how to apply financial tools to make managerial and strategic investment decisions. Undergraduate Admissions at MIT Sloan Freshman students who want to study at MIT Sloan must submit an application to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. If accepted, they will choose a major at the end of their freshman year. The school is very selective, admitting less than 10 percent of the people who apply each year. As part of the undergraduate admissions process at MIT, you will be asked to submit biographical information, essays, recommendation letters, high school transcripts, and standardized test scores. Your application will be evaluated by a large group of people based on a number of factors. At least 12 people will look at and consider your application before you receive an acceptance letter.   MIT Sloan Programs for Graduate Students MIT Sloan School of Management offers an MBA program, several masters degree programs, and a PhD program in addition to executive education programs. The MBA program has a first-semester core that requires students to take a select number of classes, but after the first semester, students are given the opportunity to self-manage their education and personalize their curriculum. Personalized track options include entrepreneurship and innovation, enterprise management, and finance. MBA students at MIT Sloan can also choose to earn a joint degree in the Leaders for Global Operations program, which results in an MBA from MIT Sloan and a Master of Science in Engineering from MIT, or a dual degree, which results in an MBA from MIT Sloan and a Masters in Public Affairs or Masters in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Mid-career executives who want to earn an MBA in 20 months of part-time study may be well suited to the executive MBA program at MIT Sloan School of Management. Students in this program attend classes every three weeks on Fridays and Saturdays. The program also has a one-week module every six months in addition to a one-week international project trip. Masters degree options include a Master of Finance, Master of Business Analytics, and a Master of Science in Management Studies. Students can also choose to enroll in the System Design and Management program, which results in a Master of Management and Engineering. The Ph.D. program at MIT Sloan School of Management is the most advanced education program. It offers the opportunity conduct research in areas like management science, behavioral and policy sciences, economics, finance, and accounting. MBA Admissions at MIT Sloan You do not need work experience to apply to the MBA program at MIT Sloan School of Management, but you should have a bachelors degree in any area of study, a record of personal achievement, and high academic potential to be considered for the program. Your qualifications can be demonstrated through a range of application components, including standardized test scores, recommendation letters, and academic records. There is no single application component that is the most important- all components are weighed equally. About 25 percent of the students who apply will be invited to interview. Interviews are conducted by members of the admissions committee and are behavioral based. Interviewers assess how well applicants can communicate, influence others, and handle specific situations. MIT Sloan School of Management has round applications, but you can only apply once per year, so it is important to develop a solid application the first time you apply. Admissions for Other Graduate Programs at MIT Sloan The admissions for graduate programs (other than the MBA program) at MIT Sloan vary by program. However, you should plan on submitting undergraduate transcripts, an application, and supporting materials, such as resumes and essays, if you are applying to a degree program. Each degree program has a limited number of seats, which makes the process very selective and competitive. Be sure to research application deadlines and admissions requirements on the MIT Sloan website, and give yourself plenty of time to assemble application materials.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Self-Portraits. Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Self-Portraits. Journal - Essay Example This portrait was identified as a result of its connection to the icon of Christ. As an artist I give this talent of painting as a gift from God and that is why the painting shows hands in a position tat appears to be giving a blessing. My artistic work was not carnal but divinely oriented. It helps to show my ambition of acknowledging that talent is a gift from God (Koener 1997). The portrait was used to outline religious form of culture that identifies the tradition that Christ is the most superior identity. The brown color used in the painting suggests the solemn mood that reserved Christ’s passion within him since it is a cool color. The power of religion in artic works was identified as this portrait basically the author’s belief in his religion. This artistic work was done when the artist was twenty eight years old. This was a changeover period in the artist’s life that saw him move from youth to prime of life. It therefore, was a point of remembrance in th e events that marked my life of achievements as an artist. The painting indicates a fashionable hairstyle where the artist is putting on simple but expensive clothing that enabled to bring out my youthful looks. The artist drew him self in the appearance of God using the wonderful colors to suggest the goodness of him to humanity. The portrait is painted while facing in the viewers eyes in a solemn indicating his lack of emotions (Gideon 2006). As an artist he made himself in the image of Christ to portray his religious culture that God created man in own likeness and image. This shows the revelation of religious culture in the artist life since he has employed them through art. His noble dressing of a coat was contrary to a time when people dressing were accustomed to a certain dressing code. He stands out against the critics of his time through his artic works. The portrait indicates a high degree of talent that was discovered in my life while working in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Following the sub-prime crisis and the impact of 'Toxic' debt is there Essay

Following the sub-prime crisis and the impact of 'Toxic' debt is there a future for the securitization of commercial property - Essay Example But soon turbulence came with sudden loss of confidence within the securitization and financial engineering sector. The present statistical model for assessing & pricing credit risk can be blamed for the disastrous situation that engulfed the entire financial world. The most surprising fact about the crisis was that it originated in those countries which were believed to have the most efficient risk management technology. (Caprio, Demirgà ¼Ãƒ §-Kunt & Kane, 2008, p. 2). With the unfolding of the crisis, the financial world witnessed a series of unpredicted and unprecedented events which uncovered the fault of AAA credit rating system used in UK banks for more than 150 years. The crisis, also known as meltdown, even highlighted the default of US safety net for covering major insurance banks; investment banking and government sponsored housing finance companies. Downfall in the major economic drivers led to sharp plunge in world wide stock and capital markets. This crisis soon migrated from US to other developed countries and economies like that of Australia, Ireland, and Germany. It can be estimated that the loss caused by this financial crisis lies in between the ranges of $1 trillion to $2 trillion (Caprio, Demirgà ¼Ãƒ §-Kunt & Kane, 2008, p. 2). The crisis that engulfed the financial market since august 2007 had its origin in the housing mortgage market of the United States. Housing markets in other countries like Australia, Canada, Spain, and United Kingdom were also facing high rise in prices along with the highly leveraged mergers and acquisition. But none of these countries faced financial crisis due to the housing bubble, so this makes the fact clear that there were certain distinguished features with in the US housing finance system that gave birth to such enourmous financial crisis. The prime factors can be segregated as below: Housing construction peaked in the United

SOCIOLOGY Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SOCIOLOGY - Term Paper Example They also specify the rewards for observing them as well as punishment for conformity purposes (Chrisman 127). Therefore, norms form the foundation of collective expectations that people of a given community have from one another, and play a vital role in social control and order. A person’s behavior or thinking capacity can be classified as abnormal if at all it violates the set of laws about the expectations in a given social group. Other people might feel threatened or even uncomfortable with their behavior. It is explicitly clear that social behavior varies from one culture to another. For instance, it is a common phenomenon for people to stand closer to strangers in Southern Europe than in the United Kingdom. The extent to which a norm can be violated, the value attached to it and the importance of the norm varies from one community to another. Whether the violation is abnormal, criminal, eccentric or rude depends with the affected individuals. Social norms can be termed as inevitable and unstable. Behavior that would be considered abnormal may with time become acceptable in a community. For instance, driving under alcohol influence could be considered acceptable but at the present time it can be viewed as socially unacceptable. On the other hand, homosexuality can be considered unacceptable, but it is acceptable in many countries today. Social norms come up as a result of social values, and they serve the purpose of differentiating human behavior from that of other animals. Human beings have the ability to elaborate communication that is symbolic and structure their behavior in terms of preferences referred to as values. For that reason, norms are the means which values can be articulated in behavior (Lewis 83). While shopping in London city on one afternoon, it started drizzling. Everyone was happy because it had taken

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nationalalism identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nationalalism identity - Essay Example The United States of America boasts as sole superpower of the world also identifies their self with all prides of national identity. The British and Western Europeans are not lagging behind in their race for clinching to their national identities. Amongst Europeans the British nation didn't join the single currency rope of Euro in 2000. While French, German, Dutch, Spanish Portuguese, and Italians adamantly claim to be superior primitive European nations in their own way. They never compromise on the labels of their languages and still find themselves proud of their respective languages. Their language is their own medium of education in all sought of manifestations. Exactly same is the case with Japanese as a nation and language. The Spanish, Italian, French and Dutch languages find themselves rich in art, architecture, literature, medicines and technologies. So it cannot be safely said that English language, both British and American versus other Europeans languages are competent at par with each other as a medium of instruction and education in all manners of past, present and future. While coming to Asia and Middle East, the fast developing nations like Malaysians, Koreans, and Chinese are not at all oblivious to the facts mentioned in case

Group Post Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Group Post - Research Paper Example s not just about English being the first or the second language of the employees of a company, customers associate stereotypes and underestimate the foreign employees’ ability to understand their culture, and thus only want service from their local employees. Customer build their perceptions of a company’s corporate social responsibility based upon â€Å"all the information about a company that a person holds† (Brown and Dacin, 1997, p. 69). Drop in the number of American students that study Information Technology is a shocking fact and a strong reason for companies to stop outsourcing. This shows how deleterious outsourcing is for our society in the long run. I seriously doubt that outsourcing plays a role in increasing the quality of work. With outsourcing, employers have least control over the products’ quality since everything is being made abroad. Especially, when we talk about quality control, it means much more than just meeting the specifications to include the level of creation and innovation, and uniqueness in every item. It is so hard to keep all employees on one platform in outsourcing that such aspects are often neglected. To say that the talent employers get through outsourcing is not available in the local market is underestimation of American local workers. Had foreign graduates been more capable, thousands of students would be going from America to those countries for studying every year rather than the other way round. Outsourcing is a fundamental reason for unemployment in America (Converse et al., n.d.). It cannot be said with utmost surety that the outsourcing company would always maintain competitive advantage . These days, when economy has become very volatile and the value of currency is rapidly changing in different countries, if the value of currency of the foreign country starts gaining weight, the opportunity of outsourcing might eventually turn out to be a risk. While that is the definition of outsourcing, this definition is not

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nationalalism identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nationalalism identity - Essay Example The United States of America boasts as sole superpower of the world also identifies their self with all prides of national identity. The British and Western Europeans are not lagging behind in their race for clinching to their national identities. Amongst Europeans the British nation didn't join the single currency rope of Euro in 2000. While French, German, Dutch, Spanish Portuguese, and Italians adamantly claim to be superior primitive European nations in their own way. They never compromise on the labels of their languages and still find themselves proud of their respective languages. Their language is their own medium of education in all sought of manifestations. Exactly same is the case with Japanese as a nation and language. The Spanish, Italian, French and Dutch languages find themselves rich in art, architecture, literature, medicines and technologies. So it cannot be safely said that English language, both British and American versus other Europeans languages are competent at par with each other as a medium of instruction and education in all manners of past, present and future. While coming to Asia and Middle East, the fast developing nations like Malaysians, Koreans, and Chinese are not at all oblivious to the facts mentioned in case

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Subject Decision Theory (US MBA course) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Subject Decision Theory (US MBA course) - Essay Example Steve put in all his efforts into the running of the business and managed to make it very successful, so much so that by 1980 the total annual sales went up to more than $2 million. However, after that the company underwent a turn. Steve's son, Jim, joined Blake Electronics in 1984 as a general sales manager. He had completed high school and had obtained a two year course degree in electronics. Jim was said to be quite aggressive and this quality in him did not change after he joined his father's company. In fact, his aggressiveness increased. This led to him making deals with companies which the Blake Electronics was not able to complete. Jim would take contracts to provide the supplies to companies without checking out whether Blake Electronics could manage to fulfil the deal. Due to this Blake Electronics had to face certain embarrassing situations. Still, there was not much harm done yet. By 1988 Jim had started taking government contracts too and two years after that the total sales mounted to greater than $10 million. After that the Company lost the chance of obtaining any more contracts. Jim continued with his behaviour and that led to the government not offering any more contracts to Blake Electronics. This also made the Company lose its reputation and it was termed as an unreliable supplier. Thus, by 1997 there was a great risk of Blake Electronics facing losses. To avoid ... For this he asked the research team of his company to design novel electronic gadgets for home use. The research team came up with the Master Control Center. This was to be sold for $250. The functioning of the device was such that it had two rows of five buttons and each button operated as a switch or a rheostat, depending on what you want. It was powered by two D-sized batteries which lasted till a year or so, depending on how much it is used. According to the research team, this project would cost them $500,000 and if it turned out to be successful, it could bag up to $2 million of sales. Therefore, it surely did sound attractive. However, the problem was that Steve was unsure as to whether this venture would succeed and whether his company would get profits or would lose through this project. In order to solve this problem Steve sent requests for proposals so as to conduct marketing research. Total he sent 30 proposals to business operating in southern California. First of all Marketing Associates, Inc. (MAI) responded. They had offered to charge $100,00 for a survey and according to the information they gave, that company had been operating since three years and were quite a successful business. The second and the last proposal that Steve got was from Iverstine and Kinard. This company had a very good reputation throughout the company and was termed as the largest marketing firm in the region. They were going to charge Steve $500,000 for the survey. Although the cost was higher than of the previous company, Iverstin and Kinard were more able to predict about the sales. This company also did not have as good a record as that of Marketing Associates. However, the fact that they could better be able to make predictions about the Blake

Multi agency teams work Essay Example for Free

Multi agency teams work Essay Multi-agency teams work together by bringing practitioners from all different sectors and professions within childcare to provide effective and in depth way of working to support children and young people. This includes support of that child or young person’s family. Multi-agency teams work together to ensure the children and young people that require additional support have exactly the right professionals around them to achieve their maximum potential. Assessment may include: ââ€" ªParents and family ââ€" ªPediatrician ââ€" ªEducational Psychologist ââ€" ªSpecialist Teachers for Learning Support, Hearing, Vision, Sensory Impairment, Autism/Complex Communication Difficulties ââ€" ªClinical Psychologist ââ€" ªSpeech and Language Therapist ââ€" ªPhysiotherapist ââ€" ªOccupational Therapist. In addition to parents, one or more of these people may be involved, helping to gain an understanding of children’s communication strengths and needs, and how speech and language can be developed. They can also provide information, advice, guidance and training. If a child needs support from a speech therapist, a social worker, teacher and health worker, then a team of those professionals will be set up, but with the consent of the child, young person and family. Support may include: ââ€" ªSpeech and language therapist ââ€" ªEducational psychologist ââ€" ªPhysiotherapist ââ€" ªOccupational therapist ââ€" ªHealth visitor ââ€" ªSpecialist teachers for Learning Support, Hearing, Vision, Sensory Impairment and Complex communication/Autism These people with specialist knowledge and skills support the people in daily contact with the child. They try to remove barriers to achievement, agree strategies, provide training and identify, and sometimes provide, resources By working together, the team will enable children to make maximum progress and improve the quality and ease of their lives. The members of these teams will share information and support each another so that the child / young person’s needs are met as efficiently and effectively as possible. There are some circumstances where multi-agency teams work together literally in one place. There are other examples where teams may operate virtually- via email/ web cam. The role of a practitioner requires them to meet regularly to discuss the needs of the child or young person in question. This is so they can plan and carry out coordinated, targeted interventions. Development may include: ââ€" ªParents and family ââ€" ªChild minder ââ€" ªEarly Years setting staff such as playgroup leaders, nursery nurses and play/nursery assistants ââ€" ªSchool staff such as teachers, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors ââ€" ªConnexions staff ââ€" ªBefore after school care. These people listed above are the people who come into contact with the child in question every day. They apply their training and knowledge to the situation and know how to be good communication partners, and how to provide a good communication environment. They are the ones actively developing the child’s speech and language. They can share ideas about what does and what does not work for individual children. References Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire. (2011). Effective multi-agency working and collaboration. Available: pecialist-provision/effective-multi-agency-working.aspx. Last accessed 18/9/14.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Model for Wind Farms

Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Model for Wind Farms A Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Model for Wind Farms with Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) The cost of energy is an important issue in the world as demand for renewable energy resources is growing. Performance-based energy contracts are designed to keep the price of energy as low as possible while controlling the risk for both the Buyer and the Seller. Price and risk are often balanced using Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Since wind is not a constant supply source, in order to keep risk low, wind PPAs contain clauses that require the purchase and sale of the energy to fall within reasonable limits. However, the existence of those limits creates pressure on prices, causing increases in the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). Depending on the variation in capacity factor (CF), the power generator (the Seller) may find that the limitations on power purchases required by the utility (the Buyer) are not favorable and will result in higher costs of energy than predicted. Existing LCOE models do not take into account energy purchase limitations or variations in energy production when calculating an LCOE. The challenge addressed in this paper is that the price schedule in a PPA is determined using the LCOE provided by the Seller, but the energy delivery limits imposed within the PPA impact the LCOE in ways that are not accommodated by existing models. A new cost model has been developed to evaluate the price of electricity from wind energy under a PPA contract. This paper presents a method that an energy Seller can use to develop an appropriate Cost of Energy (COE) based on desired energy delivery quantities. The new cost model can then be used as a basis for setting an appropriate PPA price schedule. During the PPA negotiations, LCOE is calculated and used by the seller to determine an appropriate COE for each unit of energy that falls within the conditions set within the contract. As the COE isnegotiated and determined to be too high or too low by either party, the PPA terms are changed to adjust for the desired PPA prices. PPA energy purchase limitations can change the LCOE by as much as a factor of two depending on the energy limitations. The application of the model on real wind farms shows that the actual LCOE depends on the limitations on energy purchase within a PPA contract as well as the expected performance characterist ics associated with wind farms. Cost of Energy (COE) becomes a major concern for the public and utilities as the demand for power from renewable energy sources, such as wind, increases. Utilities may become reluctant to purchase more renewable energy than they are required to purchase if the COE is too high. COE is the actual cost to buy energy while LCOE is the break-even cost to generate the energy. The LCOE is a commonly accepted calculation of the Total Life-Cycle Cost (TLCC) for each unit of energy produced in the lifetime of a project[1]. In addition to the increase in the use of renewable energy sources, there is an increase in the use of PPAs for all sources of energy. PPAs are Performance-Based Contracts (PBCs) that aim to create a fair agreement for the purchase and sale of energy between a utility (the Buyer) and a generator (the Seller). The use of PPAs has been increasing around the world and they are commonly used in Europe, the U.S., and in Latin America. In Germany alone, offshore wind projects with PPAs totaled over 1.2 GW in capacity in 2013[2]. In the U.S. there existed a total of 29,632 MW of capacity in 343 signed or planned PPAs in 2014-2015[3]. Between 2008 and 2016, 650 MW of new capacity was signed in the U.S. and in 2015 the use of PPAs in the U.S. grew to 1.6 GW[4]. In Latin America, the government typically awards PPAs. In 2014, the government of Peru awarded PPAs to projects with a total of 232 MW of capacity[5]. ` PPAs use an LCOE calculation to determine a fair price of energy, much like a standard retail energy contract[1]. However, Buyers in a PPA can create terms that limit the annual purchase of energy, thereby affecting the actual LCOE. Buyers can create a limit for the minimum annual amount of energy that needs to be delivered and/or the maximum amount that energy will be bought at full price. The PPA contract limits create penalties; a penalty is incurred when the Seller does not fall within the energy delivery requirements. In a normal energy contract (such as a standard retail contract, a market retail contract, and in a PPA), the LCOE is calculated over the period of the contract and energy is purchased as it arrives at the agreed upon point of delivery. PPAs are used to share and reduce the risks of added costs, however, in some cases the costs are not accounted for within LCOE models. Conventional LCOE models include all the costs associated with an energy project. PPAs address and outline the capital costs, operational costs over the lifetime of the project, the energy produced, tax credits, and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) within a specific project.[2] The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and others have developed and used LCOE models that typically consider all or most of these parameters [6][7][8]. The terms of the PPA are important because they create costs that affect the actual LCOE. However, current LCOE models do not include the effects of the energy delivery limits and their penalty costs imposed by PPAs as a cost to the wind farms. If the LCOE does not reflect the break-even cost, the Seller risks the projects failure and the Buyer risks the loss in profit from not providing enough energy to its end-use consumers. A more accurate LCOE could prevent the failure of a wind farm and benefit the Seller, the Buyer, and consumers. In this paper, a new LCOE model is proposed to address the PPA annual energy delivery limits, which we refer to as penalties. Although the application of penalties as a cost appears to be straightforward (because of their direct and indirect costs to the Seller), the penalties are more complex to analyze when uncertainties are introduced. The difference between the LCOE with and without penalties can be significant (see the Wind Farm Case Study). The effect of penalties on the LCOE can vary depending on the capacity factor (CF), the variation in CF, as well as the limits on the purchase of energy. Determining the best limits in a PPA depends on the needs of the Buyer in conjunction with a desire for a COE that reflects the actual LCOE for the Seller within the contract. This paper develops a method that provides a tool that the Seller can use to negotiate penalties and an appropriate COE within their PPAs. PPAs define every aspect of the project including: the terms for the entire projects construction, operation and maintenance (OM), insurance, the interconnection and grid, government involvement in the project, the delivery of energy, and any other third party involvement in the project[9]. Each of these aspects is a responsibility of the Seller that affects the cost of the wind farm. Normally, PPAs are viewed as just the relationship between the utility (Buyer) and the generator (Seller), however, this paper views the PPA as a plan with specific features defined for the success of the wind farm and all parties involved. During the negotiation of the PPA, the length of the agreement, the PPA price and the price schedule are determined[10]. All the costs determined during negotiations are reviewed to calculate the LCOE for the whole project and then the LCOE is used to determine a fair value for each unit of energy. The negotiation of the COE and PPA terms is iterated until both parties are satisfied. If the COE is too high, the terms are negotiated to drop the cost and if the terms create extra costs the COE is negotiated to a higher value. Although the PPA attempts to cover all the costs in the contract, the conventional LCOE models used do not consider the penalties on annual energy delivery limits as a cost. The purpose of creating annual energy delivery requirements is to be fair to the Buyer who takes on risk in acquiring negative profits by joining a new contract. The Buyer may not want to buy more expensive and unpredictable renewable energy, but may be required to by renewable energy requirem ents set by the government. This leads the Buyer to create limits on the amount of energy they are willing to purchase. However, the costs associated with these penalties are also a risk that could increase the LCOE without increasing the COE or the PPA price. Thus, causing a loss in profit for the Seller. The effect of penalties must be considered within the LCOE to ensure the fairness in the contract. In some cases, PPAs create minimum energy delivery requirements. If there is not enough energy being provided by the Seller, then the Buyer has to look for energy elsewhere at, possibly, spot-market prices. Spot-market prices vary daily (hourly) due to changing demand for energy buying and selling energy on the spot market is a risk that neither the Buyer nor the Seller wish to be exposed to. The Buyer creates the minimum energy delivery requirement to reduce their risk and the Seller has to pay at the PPA COE for every unit of energy under-delivered. Not all PPAs have minimum energy requirements and some that have a minimum requirement also have a maximum energy delivery requirement. The maximum energy delivery requirement has been used in locations that have renewable energy requirements mandated by customers or the government (and the Buyers would not otherwise purchase energy from renewable sources due to higher costs, e.g., the United States). Within a PPA, there are three diff erent requirements the Buyer can establish once the Seller has delivered the maximum energy delivery limit before the end of the contracted period. The Buyer could require that the energy generated cannot be sold, the energy could be sold at a fraction of the COE, or the energy could be sold in the spot-market. Both the spot-market and wind energy production are unpredictable. Energy could be produced during a period of very low demand and as such low spot-market prices would apply (e.g., at a faction of the LCOE). Although wind farms have energy that is bought and paid for monthly, the actual revenue is calculated at the end of the year. At the end of each year, the Sellers account is reviewed for penalty costs and the over purchase of energy to rectify the account balance. It is important to note that the LCOE model needs to review the annual CF and not the monthly CF and energy generation to determine the actual LCOE of a wind farm due to the PPA billing conditions stated above.[3] The levelized cost of energy, also known the levelized cost of electricity, or the levelized energy cost, is an economic assessment of the average total cost to build and operate a power-generating system over its lifetime divided by the total power generated of the system over that lifetime. LCOE is often used as an alternative to the average price that the power generating system must receive in a market to break even over its lifetime. LCOE is a first-order economic assessment of the cost competitiveness of an electricity-generating system that incorporates all costs over its lifetime accounting for the initial investment, the OM cost, the cost of fuel, and the cost of capital. The definition of LCOE is the cost that, if assigned to every unit of energy produced by the system over the analysis period, will equal the Total Life-Cycle Cost (TLCC) when discounted back to the base year [1][1], (1) where discrete compounding is assumed, Ei is the amount of energy produced in year i, r is the WACC (or discount rate), and n is the number of years over which the LCOE is calculated. E in year i is calculated as, (2) where RP is rated power, and CFiis the average capacity factor in year i. The TLCC in this model can be expressed as [11], (3) where I is the initial investment, and the Present Value of the total OM costs (PVOM) is given by[11], (4) where OMi is the OM costs in year i. LCOE is an equation that assigns a value for every unit produced during the given lifetime of a project. Traditionally, PPAs treat the contract length as the whole lifetime of the project, making short-term PPAs more expensive than long-term[11][12]. Since LCOE is by definition constant once calculated, it can be factored out of the summation in Equation (1) and the LCOE is given as, (5) Although the denominator of Equation (5) appears to be discounting the energy (and some authors have characterize it as such), the discounting is actually a result of the algebra carried through from Equation (1) in which revenues were discounted (energy is not discounted, only cost can be discounted). Based on the derivation of LCOE, the LCOE model must incorporate all financial parameters that contribute to the TLCC. Given this definition, this paper presents a model that includes PPA penalties in the TLCC. Several LCOE models currently exist and are used to determine fair prices for wind energy. NREL uses SAM (System Advisor Model) to compute the LCOE using wind farm data for PPAs[7]. Equation 6shows the LCOE model used in SAM (6) where CPEi is the cost to generate energy in year i and each parameter is given in the ith year.In the SAM model, the LCOE is calculated based on expected cash flows for OM and capital expenditures. Although cash flow is important for determining the actual money spent and costs involved in a wind farm project, SAM does not recognize the implementation of penalties or tax credits in its wind LCOE model[7]. The SAM model does calculate a PPA price within its financial model that includes tax credits, but the PPA price is only a discounted value from the calculated LCOE and does not consider penalties. Similar to SAM, the most commonly used LCOE models do not include tax credits, production losses, or penalties. Some LCOE models, such as Equation (7)[8], (7) explicitly include the following costs: fuel cost (F), production tax credit (PTC), depreciation (D), tax levy (T), and royalties (R).[4] Equation (7) recognizes that the tax credits reduce costs, but it does not recognize PPA penalties as a cost. Other models, such as Equation (8)[6], (8) where CRF is the capital recovery factor, consider the LCOE as a direct project cost and not the sum of TLCC of wind farms, which should include tax credits and PPA penalty costs in the TLCC. PPAs typically consider tax credits as a part of LCOE as seen in the Delmarva-Bluewater PPA[13] and explicitly in Equation (7). However, within PPAs, the LCOE calculation does not consider the cost of penalties in the life-cycle cost. Current LCOE models do not consider all the cost parameters in a wind farm managed via a PPA. PPAs may define a maximum annual energy delivery quantity, a minimum annual energy delivery quantity, both of these limits, or neither. The energy delivery limits are cost parameters that are typically not considered in a conventional LCOE model. The terms generally follow the rule that after the maximum delivery is reached, energy will no longer is purchased by the Buyer, the energy will be sold at a reduced price, or it will be sold on the spot-market[14]. This is generally considered a cost/penalty for the Seller since they lose some value of the energy that is produced after the maximum delivery quantity is reached. Similarly, there is a direct cost/penalty in the minimum energy delivery defined in the PPA, as every unit of under-produced energy must be paid back at the agreed upon COE. We model the minimum delivery penalty based on the PacifiCorp draft PPA, which included the liquidated damages from output shortfall[15]. In Fig. 1, the Maximum and Minimum energy limits demonstrate how the penalties are applied. Each year that the energy production is above or below the limits as shown in Fig. 1, the penalty is applied. The new model reflects the costs of energy production that is above the maximum or below the minimum energy delivery limits. The model begins with an existing LCOE model (Equation (7)) and alters it to include the delivery penalties and tax credits.The cost for under-delivering energy (PN), is the difference between the energy that was generated and delivered (E) and the threshold for the minimum penalty (Minlim)based on expected energy production (Pexp). E is calculated by, (9) where Eiis the sum of all the energy produced in the wind farm from N turbines in year i, CFi,j is the average capacity factor in year i for turbine j, and RPj is the rated power of turbine j. Using this calculation for energy, the production loss and the penalty from the minimum energy delivery limit can be calculated. PN is then calculated by, (10) In Equation (10), Minlim is smallest fraction of expected energy production (Pexp) that the Buyer requires. The purpose of the minimum limit is for the benefit of the Buyer. The Buyer expects a minimum amount of energy to meet the demands of the consumers. If the energy does not meet the requirement, then the Buyer has to go to an outside source (e.g., the spot-market) and will may have to purchase energy at a higher cost, which the Buyer will require the Seller to compensate them for. Similarly, the production loss (PL) is the difference between the energy that was generated (E) in that year and the threshold for the maximum penalty (Maxlim) based on the Pexp. (1-PPAterm) (11) In Equation (11), Maxlimis the largest fraction of expected energy production that the Buyer is willing to purchase. PN is only applied during the years that actual energy production is less than the quantity of energy determined by MinlimPexp,when EilimPexp. PL is only applied when the energy produced exceeds the amount of energy determined by MaxlimPexp,when Ei>MaxlimPexp. PPA ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­term is a fraction that represents the type of penalty placed on the Seller after the maximum energy limit has been reached. In a PPA with no outside sell option the PPAterm has a value of0. When all the energy is purchased by the Buyer regardless of the limit the PPAtermis 1 and therefore PL is never applied.[5] The LCOE model including all the unaccounted for cost variables that exist in PPAs is given by, (12) where PL and PN are only included in the total penalty cost (Pen) when the calculated cost in either of those variables in a year is more than $0. In Equation (12) the sums in the numerator and denominator start at i = 0 under the assumption that the investment cost (Ii) comes from a depreciation schedule. In the case where the PPA allows for the Buyer to sell into the spot-market, the PL be a negative value. The Peni in year i is the sum of the production loss and the penalty cost, (13) and the tax credit in year i (TCi) is given by, (14) where all types of tax credits that can be applied to a wind farm are included (see nomenclature for specific tax credit contributions). Both of the Pen and the TC depend on the conditions imposed by the PPA. A controlled study of wind farms was conducted to explore the effects of CF variation and energy delivery requirements on the LCOE. LCOEs were calculated based on four types of PPAs for farms with an annual CF that ranged in decreasing and increasing in fractions of 0 to 0.4 of the average CF around the average CF of 0.4. The four types of PPAs are: a PPA with just a minimum penalty, a PPA with just a maximum penalty where no energy can be bought above the limit, a PPA with just a maximum penalty where the energy is purchased at a fraction of 0.1 (PPAterm= 0.1) of the COE value for each unit of energy above the limit (the value of PPAterm= 0.1 was based on the Pakistan PPA[17]), and a PPA with just a maximum penalty where the energy above the maximum energy delivery limit has to be sold into the spot-market. Although the average CF = 0.4 is the same in all the cases considered, the COE for each wind farm is different since the LCOE differs for each wind farm due to the variations in CF. The costs and energy produced in each year varies, thus creating differences in the discounted total costs for each farm in the years that the CF varies. Each LCOE was calculated for a duration of 5 years. The following data was used to calculate the LCOE, I = $1500 per installed kW[18] OM = $0.01 per kWh produced[18] F = $0[8] TC = $0.05 per kWh sold[19] r = 0.089 per year[20] COE = Calculated LCOE from a PPA without penalties[21] I, although shown as a single value, is a value that is depreciated over the lifetime of the wind farm and changes for every year i. The COE in a PPA is generally calculated from an LCOE that does not consider delivery penalties as a cost. For this reason, the cost calculated from penalties in the new model uses the calculated LCOE (for an individual wind farm) under a PPA without penalties as the COE. Pexpis calculated as the average annual expected energy production from a specific farm. In these cases the expected energy production is calculated using a CF of 0.4 for every year as Danish wind farms averaged 0.41 in 2012 and NREL has predicted that between 2005 and 2030, wind farms will be operating at capacity factors between 0.36 and 0.43[22]. Ei is calculated using a CF that is based on the variability around the average CF. The values of Minlim, Maxlim,and Ei, are then used to calculated penalties. CF variation is the fraction of energy that is produced in year i that falls around the average CF of a project. Fig. 2 demonstrates this effect with two farms that have an average CF of 0.4 and a rated power of 2000 kW over 5 years. Wind farm 1 in this case has a CF variation of 0.05, this means that 0.05 more energy is produced in one year and 0.05 less is produced in another. Wind farm 2 in Fig. 2is similar as it portrays a CF variation of 0.15. The algorithm used in this study valued year 2 as the unexpected higher CF year and year 4 as the lower than expected CF year. It is possible to change the algorithm for other schedules of uncertainty that would yield different results and to make the schedule more complicated with random variations in random years. In all of the LCOE verification tests, the LCOE follows a similar trend. Fig. 3 shows the results from a PPA with only a minimum energy delivery limit. In this case, as the fraction of expected energy production increases, more energy is likely to fall below the annual requirement, thus increasing the LCOE. The variation in CF determines the quantity below the minimum that the energy can fall to and how much the penalty cost will be to the Seller. The greater the variation, the more likely the LCOE will be effected by the minimum energy delivery limits. Fig. 4shows a PPA where once the energy goes above the maximum annual energy delivery requirement that energy can be sold into the spot-market. The spot market is difficult to predict, therefore this study used spot-market prices from 2014 given by the EIA and used a Monte-Carlo simulation to randomly develop a normal distribution with a mean of $52.32 and a standard deviation of 38.75. Those values were then used to determine an expected value for the PPAtermfraction used in the produce the production loss calculation. In Fig. 4 the PPAterm = 1.1, which means that it was cheaper to sell into the spot-market then to sell to the Buyer under the PPA contract (i.e., cheaper to sell means more money for the Seller).[6] The results from Fig. 4 show that the LCOE drops when more energy is sold into the spot-market under these conditions. As the required energy fraction increased, only high variation farms have a lower LCOE because they are still producing above the maximum energy delivery limit and selling into the more profitable spot-market. Fig. 5 and 6 show very similar trends for two different PPAs. Fig. 5contains results from a PPA with a PPA ­term= 0.1 and Fig. 6contains results from a PPA with no outside sell option. Fig. 5allows for energy to be purchased after the maximum energy delivery limit has been reached, but only at PPAterm = 0.1 the value of the COE. This means that production loss is 0.9 of the COE for each unit of energy produced above the maximum energy delivery limit. Fig. 6 is similar because the production loss is the whole COE value for each unit of energy sold above the maximum energy delivery requirement because all the energy produced above the maximum limit cannot be sold, but is still being produced. Both figures show that as the Maxlimis increased, meaning that the maximum energy delivery requirement is increasing, less energy is being produced outside of the limit. Higher variations in the CF are more effected by the Maxlim than those with less variation. The only difference between Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 is that in Fig. 5 the LCOE values are slightly lower than those in Fig. 6 This is due to the low value for the PPAterm. A simulation was run to determine the resulting LCOEs from the four different PPA options. The first is a PPA with no energy delivery limits, where the energy is bought and sold as it is produced. The first type of PPA reflects a conventional LCOE where the PPA energy delivery limits are not applied. The second PPA has just a minimum delivery limit, the third has just a maximum delivery limits, and the fourth PPA has both delivery limits. Real data was collected from 7 different wind farms (Table 1[23]) that varied in the number of turbines, manufacturer, year built, rated power and country (Germany or Denmark). To simplify the differences in costs across the wind farms, the same cost variable values used in the model verification tests were used. The only difference in costs used from the model verification tests and the wind farm case study is that the wind farm case study uses a fixed COE for each farm at $0.25 per kWh, based on NRELs highest expected COE[24]. These wind farms com pared the four different PPA types with a fixed Maxlim = 0.75 and a Minlim = 0.52.[7] The LCOE of each turbine was calculated from the sum of LCOE costs at the end of 5 years. Fig. 7 shows the differences in the LCOEs based on the different annual energy delivery requirements and the selection of penalties that were applied. Each wind farm was given a number because the given data did not contain the name of the farms and only serial numbers for the turbines to identify that the turbines were a part of the same farm. The results show that in most data sets, while using the same Maxlimand/or Minlim parameters, just having a maximum penalty produced LCOEs closest to the LCOEs with no penalties. The results also showed that LCOEs with both penalties or those with just minimum penalties produced higher LCOEs. Based on the results from the model verification tests, for wind farms with the same turbine types and year manufactured, it can be assumed that the different clusters of LCOEs are caused by the differences in CF. Lower CFs cause larger differences between a PPA with just a maximum penalty and a PPA with just a minimum penalty as produced by wind farm datasets 1 and 2. While datasets 4 and 7 show closer clusters of LCOE due to higher CFs that less frequently fall below the threshold for the minimum annual energy delivery limit, but more frequently have production loss by producing energy above the maximum annual energy delivery limit. Wind Farm Dataset/ Manufacturer/ Rated Power<