Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2-easy Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2-easy Discussion Questions - Essay Example 2. The Fishbone diagram introduced by Kaoru Ishikawa and the Pareto chart by Alfred Pareto are two important analytical tools which use cause-and-effect diagrams to understand problem situations. The difference between the two in terms of function is that the Fishbone diagram is used as an analytical tool to identify the root causes (and sub causes) of the effect (the problem) in a diagram form. For example the Riordan HR projects inefficient HRIS problem can be analyzed by plotting its main causes - material, man, management, equipment, measurements or environment, which lead to an inefficient information system on a fishbone. Once the cause is found, a learning cycle is used to resolve the problem and improve the process. On the other hand the Pareto Chart is a bar graph which arranges problems in priority of importance. The function of the Pareto chart is to find solutions for improvements by identifying the major problems in terms of frequency, cost and/or time. For example a Pareto chart can be used to analyze which of the main factors, that is people, management, equipment, measurements, material or environment in order of significance of effect on inefficiency on the HRIS. This way the organization can focus on finding solutions to the problem in order of

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Health Finance 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health Finance 2 - Assignment Example 14). The revenue in such practices and clinics is usually received after the service is delivered and after a treatment session is over. Patients may opt for a single session or sitting or they may decide to take a full course of the treatment that can extend for a few weeks. First time visitors must pay a consultation fee and subsequent visits are charged an hourly fee or a per session fee. Different types of revenue types available for healthcare in general are Discounted Fee-for-Service, Fee-for-Service, Managed Care, Medicaid Program, Medicare Program and Payer Mix. Chiropractors are not eligible for any of the managed care system and so the revenue group followed is fee for service. This choice of service cannot be avoided since the Chiropractor is recognised as an alternative medicine. In some cases, when a patient agrees to take a course of treatment, the doctor may agree to receive payment after the sittings are over. Some patients can then refuse to pay saying that they have not been cured. Since this treatment does not base the treatment on the results of blood and other medical tests, it is difficult for the Chiropractor to prove the efficacy of the treatment. In addition, since the treatment is not paid by insurer, liability of receiving payment is with the Chiropractor. This reduces overcharging and instances of false assurances by the doctors and a customer with legitimate grievances can protect himself. Therefore, this fee for service is better than other revenue formats (Andrew, p.