Saturday, December 28, 2019

Best Practices For Preventing Identifying And Reporting...

Best Practices for Preventing, Identifying and Reporting Internet Fraud The Internet plays critical roles in the fabric of today s society, and people use their computers and mobile devices for business, social contact, recreation playing games and many other activities. However, everyone faces cyber crime risks when using their computersm and these perils range from phishing to investment fraud. People use their computing devices to work, buy products and services and store vital personal information. Unfortunately, everything that you read and view on the screen isn t always what it appears. Crooks and con artists have always come up with creative ways to steal personal information, trick people out of their money and valuables and promote questionable practices such as pyramid schemes. Digital communications and the Internet have increased access to information for everyone, but easy access empowers criminals who can work in relative anonymity to commit their cyber crimes. Regardless of how you use the Internet, it s critical that you learn ways to protect your data, spot scams and take appropriate action when you suspect that something s not right. Doing nothing could constitute negligence and reduce your ability to get out of the financial liabilities that identity theft and other crimes might generate. Failure to safeguard business practices and client information could subject you to legal claims, fines and penalties if you work in an industry where you reShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Plans To Control / Mitigate The Risk1234 Words   |  5 PagesMessage Authentication Reporting and conformance) and DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) preventing email spoofing. †¢ All the incoming and outgoing emails should be scanned for the threat and the executable files should be filtered from reaching the end user. †¢ Test all the backups to ensure they are working correctly. †¢ Execute regular penetration testing on the server in order to discover any vulnerability and fix it. †¢ Progress and train employee’s education for identifying frauds, malicious links andRead MoreInternal Audit Function and Fraud Detection in Government Agencies. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Student Retention Of Universities A Literature Review

Student Retention in Universities A Literature Review Benjamin J. Curran Corona del Sol Preparatory Academy Author’s Note This paper is written for Professor Johnson’s fourth hour English 102 Class Student Retention in Universities Over half of first time undergraduate students fail to obtain a degree within a six year time period. Premature exit of university students has stumped even the most dedicated analysts. Extensive theories have surfaced in an effort to elucidate student attrition. Vincent Tinto constructed new trains of thought with his avant-garde study in 2001. Tinto was led to revise his work in 2005 in the midst of criticism competing theorists. These scholars set the precedent for modern research conducted in the field of student attrition. Upon review of literature, compelling similarities and criticisms are contrived around the same basic theories. Primitive information existed before examination under Tinto. In fact, most other subsequent studies reference and base their theories off his perceived models. Other theorists such as Gary Metz believe that Tinto’s work is actually derived from Rites of Passage, by Arnold Gennep. Concentrating on the anthropological aspect of homosapien rites of passage, Gennep’s observations explicate common human behavior exhibited throughout the college experience. Tinto reflects a specific segment of the book encompassing initiation rites. This segment allegates that â€Å"‘physiological puberty’ and ‘socialShow MoreRelatedInternational Student Retention Efforts : A Correlational Study1480 Words   |  6 Pages International Student Retention Efforts: A Correlational Study A Research Proposal Submitted to the Department of Graduate Education of Lincoln Memorial University For: EDUC 511 JoAnn M. 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That is to say, every member from the freshman class of 2013 in the United States cost their respective schools nearly $500 to recruit them (Noel-Levitz, 2013). With universities investing suchRead MoreThe State Education Performance Funding872 Words   |  4 Pageswith money. These same principals are being increasingly applied to higher education as state appropriations are (at least in part) beginning to factor in retention, progression, and graduation when funding state colleges and universities. Critique of Articles Sanford, T., Hunter, J. M. (2011). Impact of Performance-Funding on Retention and Graduation Rates. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 19(33) Rabovsky, T.M. (2012). Accountability in Higher Education: Exploring Impact on State Budges

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Modernisation of Trade Regulations and Policy

Question: Discuss about the Modernisation of Trade Regulations and Policy. Answer: Introduction The objective of this study is to analyse the historical development and controlling power of Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC) in oil supply. OPEC is the cartel of major oil producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Angola, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar and Venezuela. They act as a monopolist in the global oil market (Colgan, 2014). However, appearance of USA as a supplier of petroleum oil in the global market has reduced the monopoly power of OPEC significantly. This essay critically analyses rise and fall of OPEC power and market share over the years. History of the development of OPEC OPEC was founded during 1961 by five oil producing developing countries. Due to having monopoly power in the oil market, OPEC has the power to control oil price by altering supply of petroleum oil in the global market. Kilian Murphy (2014) mentioned that, in recent fall of crude oil price in global market, OPEC has important role. Emergence of other oil suppliers in the market has reduced the monopoly power of OPEC in the oil market. Hence, weakness of OPEC to control supply and demand factors made it behaving differently that what market expected. Saudi Arabia is an important member of OPEC. In the view of DiChristopher (2016), Saudi Arabia has significant share in oil supply in world market. In the face of falling price of oil in the world market, Saudi Arabia refused to reduce the supply of oil and manipulating the price. Acquiring power compared to other OPEC members was the main motive as viewed by the market analysts. The argument of Saudi Arabia was that it would not bear the burden of oil production cut alone, when the members are not ready to production cut. The rationale behind this decision is that production cut may increase the oil price and Saudi Arabia may lose the market share (Goldwyn, 2015). As stated by Mirchi et al. (2012), OPEC members played no significant role production or pricing of crude oil since oil discovery on Middle East. After formation of OPEC, most of the global oil demand was met by OPEC. With the increase in market power, the six Gulf members announced an increase in light crude oil price from $3.65 to $5.119 and further to $11.651 during same year (Fattouh, 2015). After 1980s, OPEC started to face competitive pressure due to increase in non-OPEC supply. The non-OPEC countries like Soviet union, Mexico and North Sea set their own price. As a result, share of OPEC in total oil production globally has reduced from 52% in 1973 to less than30% during 1985 (, 2016). It indicates that entry of other oil producing country in the market has reduced the market share of the OPEC. Fall in market share reduces the power of price determination in the international crude oil market. Causes of decreasing share of OPEC During 2004 Vienna convention, OPECs oil minister faced several issues regarding market dynamics. OPEC is facing lower demand for crude oil due to availability of alternative renewable resources supplied by other countries. Therefore, OPEC has been suffering from the policy dilemma that how the oil producers having large upfront investment capacities, should react to the market dynamics. There has been policy dilemma regarding short term or long term development. High oil price has predominantly remained in the market due to long positions of the market speculators. Policy dilemma, structural problem and, several supply side bottlenecks affected the profitability of OPEC countries. Colgan (2014) argued that Japan has important role in decrease in oil demand from OPEC. Japan was an important importer of oil from the OPEC countries. However, overtime demand from Japan for gasoline oil has been decreased significantly. Figure 1: Decrease in oil demand from OPEC globally (Source: Fattouh, 2015) Among the OPEC member countries, Saudi Arabia played an impotent role to administer supply and pricing. Net back pricing system was adopted by Saudi Arabia resulted in price collapse during 1986. After 1986, the current market related oil pricing started in the competitive dynamics. Kilian Murphy (2014) cited that political rivalries among the OPEC member countries have been detrimental in fulfilling agreements regarding production cut and price stabilisation policy. Success of the cartel depends on the collaborative decision making. Among the member countries, Saudi Arabia is the rising power has limited the power of OPEC. Figure 2: Oil production of Saudi Arabia (Source: Fattouh, 2015) Saudi Arabia has recently decided to cut oil prices for exporting oil to the Asian countries violating the commitment to OPEC. In the view of Mirchi et al. (2012), the motive behind this decision is to grab market share from the regional rival Iran. However, Faucon (2016) argued that OPEC is likely to regain its power due to shrinking output in US and investment cut in many new projects. These two effects can reduce global oil supply less than its demand in 2017. Conclusion OPEC follows the role of cartel, whose objective is to hold the market power to supply crude oil and determining prices. Before 1980, most of the countries relied on OPEC for importing oil. Hence, OPEC had a monopoly power in the market to control demand and supply in the market. However, discovery of oil field in the non OPEC countries has reduced the share of OPEC in global market. Decision dilemma, rivalry among the member countries, lack of investment are the major causes of falling share of OPEC. Moreover, Saudi Arabias reluctance to respond market situation such as price volatility as per commitment to OPEC has negative influence on the regulatory power of OPEC. References Colgan, J. D. (2014). The emperor has no clothes: The limits of OPEC in the global oil market.International Organization,68(03), 599-632. DiChristopher, T. (2016). Saudi oil price cuts fly in the face of deal to limit OPEC output. CNBC. Retrieved 9 November 2016, from Fattouh, B. (2015). Current Oil Market Dynamics and the Role of OPEC. Retrieved 9 November 2016, from Faucon, B. (2016). OPEC Sees Rival Oil Production Declining as Markets Rebalance. WSJ. Retrieved 9 November 2016, from Goldwyn, D. (2015). Heres Why Saudi Arabia Has Let Oil Prices Falland Why They Could Revive by Years End. Atlantic Council. Retrieved 14 November 2016, from Kilian, L., Murphy, D. P. (2014). The role of inventories and speculative trading in the global market for crude oil.Journal of Applied Econometrics,29(3), 454-478. Mirchi, A., Hadian, S., Madani, K., Rouhani, O. M., Rouhani, A. M. (2012). World energy balance outlook and OPEC production capacity: implications for global oil security.Energies,5(8), 2626-2651. (2016) Will the oil price return to $26 if Opec deal fails?. (2016). Retrieved 9 November 2016, from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Impact Of Stigmatization On The Service Of Mental Health Nurses

Question: Discuss about the Impact Of Stigmatization On The Service Of Mental Health Nurses. Answer: Stigmatization is an important issue that affects the healthcare service provided by the mental healthcare nurses. This, along with discrimination and negative behavior leads to create a situation that hampers the overall wellbeing of associated patients (Mrtensson, Jacobsson Engstrm, 2014). The working environment has a tremendous impact on the behavior of mental healthcare nurses towards the patients affected with mental impairments. The purpose of this assignment is to understand the impact of such stigmatized mental healthcare nurses on the provision of contemporary mental healthcare services. The first impact can be seen in case ofnursing professionals who have less knowledge, experience and education level regarding mental healthcare that effect their positive behavior towards such patient. Further according to Hansson, Stjernswrd Svensson (2014), it was determined that mental healthcare staffs working as out-patient care were able to behave positively to their patient whereas, in-patient care staffs were having negative behavior due to burnouts. Thirdly, Henderson et al., (2012) determined that contact hypothesis is the prime reason for the negative attitudes in healthcare professionals and increased communication and contact has the ability to remove the stigmatized behavior of such professionals towards mentally ill patients. Further, the working environment has also determined to have impact on the nature of staff towards mentally ill patients and the difference in their education and knowledge determines the level of competency and positive attitude for patients. T he reason behind this can be the social prejudice, discrimination and differences that determines social norms and abnormalities. Therefore, such social discrimination and stigmatized attitude exists between two different levels of healthcare professionals (Mrtensson, Jacobsson Engstrm, 2014). References Hansson, L., Stjernswrd, S., Svensson, B. (2014). Perceived and anticipated discrimination in people with mental illnessAn interview study.Nordic Journal of Psychiatry,68(2), 100-106. Henderson, C., Evans-Lacko, S., Flach, C., Thornicroft, G. (2012). Responses to mental health stigma questions: the importance of social desirability and data collection method.The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry,57(3), 152-160. Mrtensson, G., Jacobsson, J. W., Engstrm, M. (2014).Mental health nursing staff's attitudes towards mental illness: an analysis of related factors.Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing,21(9), 782-788.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Evaluating toys

Introduction The four types of toys under analysis are Bathtime Baby (for girls) and Woody (for boys), Build It (for boys) and Cleaning Trolley (for girls). Bathtime Baby is a pink and white baby doll with a shampoo and powder set. The doll is plastic and soft to touch. Its packaging consists of a young girl holding the doll and playing with it. Woody is the second toy; it is a figure of a man wearing brightly coloured clothes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluating toys specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The toy has a hat and boots and can talk. It has the colour blue, red, yellow and white. Woody also has a plastic hat and boots, and a torso made of soft material. Build It is a set of items that children can construct into a truck and drill. It possesses battery power to enable the child to move it back and forth. Manufacturers made the set using hard plastic and bright colours (red for the truck and yellow a nd green for the drill). Lastly, Cleaning Trolley is a set of parts that children can make into a cleaning trolley. It has red, blue and pink as its prominent colours and consists of durable plastic; the toy is also mobile. How the toys represent gender ideology Girls’ toys represent the world of the woman as a nurturer. Bathtime Baby has a shampoo and powder that will allow a young girl to take care of her baby. This will condition her for her future role as a parent (Barthes, 1972). Furthermore, because producers already constructed the toy, the girl cannot take on the role of a creator; she must embrace her role as a consumer. In essence, this depiction mirrors what goes on in the adult world. Most manufacturers target females as consumers of their objects. One only has to watch commercials on television to realise this. Hair conditioners, deodorants, cooking materials and many other household items target the female consumer. Even the nature of materials used can conditio n girls into thinking that all they can do is use an item; they can never make it. Conversely, Woody is a stand-alone toy. It does not come with shampoos or washing-powder like Bathtime Baby. Instead, the toy can repeat phrases from a movie. This means that the child can pretend to be a movie star by imitating the toy. The element of care is not evident in this item. Instead, the child playing with it has taken on the role of a movie star. He can be a hero and carry the day. This toy represents the dominant and outgoing nature assigned to men (Van Leeuwen, 2009). Society confines women to domestic roles while men can go out and save the day in a movie. The second set of toys also reflects similar gender roles. Children would only use a cleaning trolley in the home environment. The girl can pretend to mop or vacuum just like her mother. This toy also prepares the girl to embrace her role as a homemaker. Conversely, Built It is a set of parts that make up a fire truck and drill.Advert ising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Children who play with this toy can pretend to be firemen or mechanics. They may also pretend to be drivers or engineers. One can see that manufacturers are giving boys more options. It is almost as if they want to condition boys into becoming direct contributors to the economy. These toys do not confine children who play with them to one role. The kinetic design of the toys is something worth nothing in all four sets of toys. Bathtime Baby is a representation of a child seating down. On the other hand, Woody is standing erect, and his legs are far apart. Van Leeuwen and Caldas-Coulthard (2002) explain that women cannot support themselves. This clarifies why a girl’s toy consists of a baby in a seated position. The latter authors affirm that such kinetics cause women to become submissive in adult life. They are also symptomatic of power relation s in society. The doll is almost looking up; meaning that it is seeking approval from others. Also, because the girl who is playing with Bathtime Baby must concern herself with the well being of someone other than herself, then this causes her to focus on appeasement in her adult life. In contrast, Woody is standing alone and has no need to be supported. This reflects the independent and confident nature of men (Van Leeuwen Caldas-Coulthard, 2002). Furthermore, a person who is standing up always has greater control than one who is seating down. Once again, this signifies power relations between men and women. Similarly, designs for Build It and Cleaning Trolley enforce societal expectations about gender. One can see this in the rigidity and the mobility of the objects. Both items are mobile; however, Build It differs from Cleaning Trolley because the boys’ toy can be manipulated through battery power. A child can move the fire engine forward or backward by removal of the han dle in the electric power drill. One may also move the toy by hand. Cleaning Trolley can only be moved by hand. This indicates that boys have more playing options than girls. They can learn about electrical energy through the battery-operated drill, but still move the truck using their own hands. Society tends to undermine the exploratory role of the female as seen through Cleaning Trolley. The manner in which she can manipulate the toy limits her, and this discourages her from exploring new things. In the adult world, females know remarkably little about mechanical issues. They often seek male assistance when changing light bulbs, repairing leaking pipes or replacing car tires. Such toys lead to the development of these attitudes at an early stage.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluating toys specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Differences also exist in the manner in which the toys can be utilised. The rules of use are already evident in the construction designs of the toys. Bathtime Baby has soft material in order to encourage girls to play with her. Furthermore, because the doll is in a seating position, then it is easy to pretend that it is bathing in a basin. On the other hand, Woody is standing, so one would have to move it in that erect position. Bathtime Baby has prominent eyes and bright pink and white colours designed to attract a girl child. She will probably want to make eye contact with it and care for it. On the other hand, Woody’s eyes are smaller; this would encourage boys to focus on doing things with it rather than care for it. Additionally, because the toy can talk, boys would be encouraged to take on the same role of a movie star. Once again, the interpersonal and ideational elements of these toys reinforce gender stereotypes. Blakemore and Centers (2005) explain that most boys’ toys encourage more social play than girls’ toys. Cleaning Trolley and Build It also differ in the way they encourage children to participate. Build It has 18 parts while Cleaning Trolley only has 10 parts. Girls have fewer options with regard to the way they construct their toys, and this stifles their creativity. Additionally, the power of the user over the toy appears to be greater in Build It than Cleaning Trolley. Boys can manipulate Build It in more ways than the girls. Additionally, Build It gives greater feedback than Cleaning Trolley. Blakemore and Centers (2005) carried out a research in which participants classified girls’ and boys’ toys according to certain characteristics. The authors found that most boys’ toys tended to provide users with feedback for their input, but this was not true for girls’ toys. Consequently, one can understand why girls tend to shy away from structural work. They do not see results for their interventions from an early age, so this puts them off spatially-oriented work. The two sets of toys differ from one another with regard to their physicality. Girls items (both Cleaning Trolley and Bathtime Baby) tend to portray proper grooming and attractiveness. These ideas get implanted into girls’ minds and cause them to become conscious about their appearance in adult life. Bath Time baby is pink and white while Woody is yellow, red and blue. Pink and white are striking colours that emphasise the significance of one’s appearance. Cleaning Trolley and the truck may both have bright colours, but each of these colour choices sends a different message. The truck is red in colour to represent danger and violence while pink and blue are harmless colours that represent domesticity. Blakemore and Centers (2005) argue that most boys’ toys teach them how to embrace risk and danger as is the case with Built It.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Manufacturer’s promises The packaging of Woody and Bathtime Baby has a design that invites users. The cover of Bathtime Baby is pink and white, which is quite appealing to young girls. Furthermore, because the package has no plastic cover, the potential buyers can test the doll. The package has an image of a girl holding the baby and playing with it at the back. This image can cause visual stimulation in other girls observing it, and thus prompt them to buy the toy. Similarly, Woody’s package is white and blue in colour so as to convey the message that it targets boys. It also has an open window that allows one to pull its string. Such a strategy causes physical stimulation because it allows boys to test the item (Stengling, 2008). In both these packages, it is easy to see a front and back part because the front has an image of the toy in each case and the back allows access to the toys. When comparing Build It and Cleaning Trolley, one can see similar patterns in the packaging. The front of Build It has a photo of a boy playing with the two items; the drill and truck. It also has a plastic window with the drill in it. The back of the package has an illustration of all the crucial parts of the assembly. Designs of these images show the children what they can make out of the various parts given to them. Similarly, Cleaning Trolley also possesses an image of a girl playing with the trolley while the back of the toy has labels for all parts of the trolley. This would probably encourage an observer to long for the item. Manufacturers portray Salience in Woody and Bathtime Baby slightly differently. The name of Bathtime Baby has a design that informs caregivers about what the toy can do for the child. In other words, this company promises that it will teach children social skills. The item meets these expectations because girls can dress, wash, or shampoo the baby. This would teach them interactive skills as they get older. The manufacturers of Woody have employed a different strategy to create certain expectations about the toy. First, the front of the package has Woody and some speech bubbles. These indicate that the toy can talk, and it would teach a child speech patterns or social skills. The toy delivers in terms of the speech patterns; however, lack of movement may be an impediment. Build It also possesses a different salience from Cleaning Trolley. At the front of the package, the manufacturers have placed the word fire engine so as to inform buyers that they will be constructing a similar item. The company has also placed the construction method for the toy, which tells parents that their children will learn spatial and construction skills from the toy. In Cleaning Trolley, the image of the trolley illustrates what the item will do for the buyer. It promises to teach the girl social skills and meets this expectation. With regard to the information value of the toys, Bathtime Baby contains information about the manufactur er and the social skill to be learnt from the toy, that is, imagination. The latter can be found at the front of the package. On the back side, one can see an image of the child playing with the doll. One side of the package contains information about the items in the package while the other side describes the activities that the child can engage in. This information is quite useful, although there is no mention of age. Woody, on the other hand, has descriptions of the toy on the front and back. It also has speech bubbles containing a summary of the phrases that the toy will provide. Lastly it contains information about the age limit and warns that children between 0 and 3 years should not use it. This is useful information although the company should have added information about how to make the toy talk. It should also describe the activities one can perform with the item and the social skills to be learnt. Information value between Build It and Cleaning Trolley also differs depend ing on the nature of the items in use. For instance, Build it has information describing the things that one can do with the item. It also possesses an image of a child playing with it. One side of the toy contains information about the various parts. It should include warning signs about any potential danger. Cleaning Trolley contains information about the benefits of the toy, the age group and the manufacturer’s name at the front. The back contains various parts of the toy and their labels. One side consists of tips on how to play or use the toy. The other side provides alternatives on role playing. This toy should have contained additional information about the process of assembling it. Conclusion An analysis of these two sets of toys reveals that toys portray a semiotic relationship between the genders. Girls’ toys tend to reinforce stereotypes about nurturing, submissiveness, consumption, affirmation and attractiveness. Conversely, boys’ toys enforce stereo types about confidence, stronger power relations, independence, risk, assertiveness and production/ construction. References Barthes, R. (1972). Mythologies. NY: Hill and Wang Blakemore, J. Centers. R. (2005). Characteristics of boys’ and girls’ toys. Sex Roles Journal, 53(9), 619-634 Stengling, M. (2008). Binding: a resource for exploring interpersonal meaning in 3D space. Social Semiotics, 18(4), 425-447 Van Leeuwen, T. (2009). The world according to Playmobil. Semiotica Journal, 173(1), 299-315 Van Leeuwen, T. Caldas-Coulthard, C. (2002). The semiotics of kinetic design. Wales: Cardiff University Press This essay on Evaluating toys was written and submitted by user Zayden Tyson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Geology Study Guide Exam 2 Essay

Geology Study Guide Exam 2 Essay Geology Study Guide Exam 2 Essay Geology Study Guide Exam 2 Chapter 7-9 7: Achaean - 9: Precambrian Chapter 7: Plate Tectonics How do we categorize Earth’s interior? Compare and contrast composition and characteristics of the layers of the Earth: Core: 3740 km radius Inner Core: Solid Fe (85%) with some Ni Solid because of the enormous pressure prevents the molecules from moving. The inner core is slightly larger than the moon. Outer Core: Molten Fe (85%) with some Ni. (may also contain lighter elements such as Si, S, C, or O. S-waves can not pass through the outer core, therefore we know the core is liquid (molten) Convection in liquid outer core plus spin of solid inner core generates Earth’s magnetic field. Magnetic Field also evidence for a dominantly iron core. Mantle: 2885 km thick Average density of mantle is 4.5 g/cm3 Made of rock Made of oxygen, silicon, iron and magnesium Composition based on studies of rock from mantle brought up by volcanoes, from density calculations, and composition of stony meteorites (Peridotite, Kimberlit, Eclogite) The Mantle is not uniform. It has several layers with different properties. Lithosphere: Outermost 100 km of Earth. Consists of the crust plus the outermost part of the mantle. Divided into tectonic or lithospheric plates that cover surface of the Earth. Asthenosphere: Low velocity zone at 100-250 km depth of Earth (seismic wave velocity decreases) Rocks are or near melting point. Magmas generate here. Solid that flows (rheid) Plastic behavior Convection in this layer moves tectonic plates. Crust: Two types of Crust: Oceanic crust: Thin, dense, basaltic Continental crust: Thick, low density, granitic How have earthquakes helped us understand Earth’s interior? P-waves: Primary, Pressure, Push-pull. Travel fastest of the seismic waves (6km/sec in crust; 8 km/sec in uppermost mantle) and travels through solids and liquids S-waves: Secondary, shaking, shear, side-to-side, slower (3.5 km/sec in crust; 5 km/sec in upper mantle) *Travels through solids only Mohorovicic and Gutenburg discontinuities (Discontinuities are the boundries between Earth’s layers) Structures: Faults and Folds Faults: A crack in the Earth’s crust along which movement has occurred. Folds: During mountain building or compressional stress, rocks may deform plastically to produce folds. Generally, a series of folds are produced, much as a carpet might wrinkle when you push on one end. The up-folds and the down-folds are adjacent to one another, and grade into one another. How did the theory of plate tectonics evolve? Continental Drift Hypothesis Seafloor mapping: Discovered patterns of mid-ocean ridges and deep sea trenches and provided images of rocks and sediments beneath the ocean What types of evidence support and have verified the theory of plate tectonics? Echo sounding: used for seafloor mapping Magnetometers: Charted the Earth’s magnetic field over large areas of the seafloor Submarine Detection Devices: Discovered differences in magnetic properties of rocks on seafloor Global Network of Seismometers: established to monitor atomic explosions. Also provided info on world wide earthquake patterns Rift valleys: 2 plates pull apart, water comes in and fills the gap and eventually creates a new ocean. Divergent plate boundaries. What happens at mid-ocean ridges? Sites of seafloor spreading. High heat flow Seismic wave velocity decreases at the ridges, due to high temperatures A valley is present along the center of ridge Volcanoes are present along the ridge Earthquakes occur around the ridge Paleomagnetism: The branch of geophysics concerned with the magnetism in rocks that was induced by Earth’s magnetic field at the time of their formation. (The Earth’s magnetic field acts as if there were a bar magnet in the center of the Earth.) Polar Wandering: The slow and erratic, real or apparent, movement of Earth’s rotational or magnetic poles relative to the continents throughout geological time, due

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Registered nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Registered nursing - Essay Example RNs are responsible for teaching patients or family members on how to take care of post-treatment home care, diet and exercise programs, and self-administration of medication and physical therapy and at times grief counseling as well. (Occupational Outlook Handbook) 1 Registered nurses also team up with doctors in the performance of treatments, tests and examinations, the administration of medications, and the provision of direct patient care in convalescence and rehabilitation. (Mayo School of Health Sciences) 2 RNs also provide direct patient care, they observe, asses, and record symptoms, reactions, and progress, which provides the basis for care planning and intervention. Registered nurses work in various settings from patient care and case management to establishing nursing practice standards, developing quality assurance procedures, directing complex nursing care systems, conducting clinical research, teaching in nursing programs, legal nursing as well as practicing in many other stimulating settings. (Explore health careers) 3 RNs can also specialize in one or more patient care specialties separated by work setting type of treatment; disease, ailment, or condition; organ or body system type; or population. They may specialize by becoming ambulatory care nurses, critical care nurses, emergency, or trauma, nurses, home health care nurses, hospice and palliative care nurses, medical-surgical nurses, perianesthesia nurses, perioperative nurses, radiologic nurses, psychiatric nurses, etc. the list is endless. Aspiring nurses must graduate from an approved nursing program and pass a national licensing examination, the NCLEX-RN, in order to get a nursing license. After this there are different means of becoming an RN. The first method is a bachelor’s of science degree in nursing (BSN); these programs are offered by colleges and universities and require four years of study. The second

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Trade Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International Trade Speech - Essay Example It also threatens to affect business activities as it benefits consumers at the expense of traders. As the legislature, we have to be worried that the country’s current importation rate surpasses export capacity, meaning the nation’s inflows of foreign currency are higher than the outflows. For instance, in the year 2012 the nation imported more cars compared to the exported figure. The importation value surpassed the exportation value by over $152 billion (Mankiw, 2014). The huge differences between the import and export values have created a balance of trade deficit in the nation. The balance of trade deficit has in turn presented severe consequences to the economy, and drastic measures must be taken to mitigate the situation. Among the challenges, the condition has created include weakening of the domestic market, reduction of the GDP of the nation, reduced value of the US currency, and investments. It has also led to the increased interest rates levied by the financial institutions on loans and selling of bonds (Mankiw, 2014). The imbalance is benefiting consumers who presently can access goods cheaply while businesses are hurting due to unfair competition. From the speaker’s position, it is apparent that this kind of imbalance is not healthy for sustaining the economy of a great nation such as US. Therefore, it is time the trade imbalance is corrected through the development of effective international trade policy guidelines. The idea is to improve fairness and equity in business activities through creation of a favorable environment where business owners’ record fair returns and customers get value for their money. To correct this, the house seeks to make an amendment in the international trade Act to regulate importation and exportation activities in a bid to cushioning the nation from experiencing economic difficulties generated by an imbalance of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Von Mangoldt function Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Von Mangoldt function - Essay Example There are various functions that relates to the Von function. Some of the functions that relates to the Von function is the mobius function, the divisor function and the phi function amongst others. In number theory, the phi function φ(n), is a part of the arithmetic function that counts the n totatives, that is, the positive integers that are less than or equal to n that are mainly prime to n. If n is a positive integer, then φ(n) is the integer number k in the range 1 ≠¤ k ≠¤ n for which the biggest common divisor gcd (n,k)=1. The totient function refers to a multiplicative function that means that where two numbers n and m are relatively prim, then φ(mn)  =  Ãâ€ (m)φ(n). The Euler’s product formula states A divisor function is also a part of the arithmetic function linked to the integer divisors. When denoted as the divisor function, it states the integer divisors number. It comes out as a remarkable identities involving relationships with the Eisenstein series and Riemann zeta function of modular forms. A linked formula is the divisor summatory function that like the name is the sum exceeding the divisor function. The Von function is related to the divisor function through the summatory function. The subsequent chebyshey function ψ(x) is the summatory function associated with the von Mangoldt function: There are various aspects that surround the Von function. Many questions have been asked as to whether the Von function is multiplicative. The von function is one of the most significant arithmetic function that cannot be classified as additive or multiplicative. An arithmetic function a is said to be completely additive if a (mn) = a (m) + a (n) for all the natural numbers m and n. An arithmetic function is attributed to be completely multiplicative if a (mn) = a (m) a (n) for all the natural numbers m and n. Two whole numbers n and m are referred to as comprise if their greatest common divisor equals 1, meaning that there

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Leadership Detailed Overview Leadership Essay

A Leadership Detailed Overview Leadership Essay Leadership had been started from many century. There are so many person who are known because of there leadership. I have read many articles on leadership and also had read the life history of many popular leaders so I came to know that leadership is the capability and skill of an individual to make other to do to achieve the common goal. Good leadership always ends with the good result and satisfaction. There are so many leader who didnt have any quality to be the leader in their childhood but slowly and gradually they grew the leadership skill in them so, we also can say that leadership quality are not inborn it comes through experience, training, hard work and above all strong desire and will power. A good leader not only led the team but also influence other to be like him. He must have the vision and the drive to see it through. Leadership is mainly consist of four factors they are briefly discussed below: Leader: There should be good, trustworthy, honest, understanding leader for leadership. He should have knowledge what they are doing, How that should be done, and for whom that is being done. He must have confidence on himself and thrust on the team. Followers: Leader without followers cannot be imagining. Followers follow as per the leaders orders. Communication: If there is no communication is not there than its impossible to tell what leader wants. Communication also helps to build the good relation between him and his follower. Situation: Each situation is different than another. He should be able to decide in which situation require which leadership. Leadership style varies from situation, follower and assigned task. For example, a new follower requires more supervision than the old one. He should also know his follower nature, their needs, emotion etc. All the leadership are based on following principle Be technically proficient   Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions   Make sound and timely decisions   Set the example   Know your people and look out for their well-being   Keep your workers informed   Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers   Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished   Train as a team   Use the full capabilities of your organization   The leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it. Elaine Agather To be the good leader is not easy. Strong determination, hardworking and some of the following keys can help to be the good leader: Humble and positive : A leader must be humble and polite. There is certain way to get job done through the team member. A harsh and strict manner of leader can demotivate his follower and can decrease their interest level of working though they finish their assigned task but they may not want to work with him again. He should also have positive attitude towards everyone. He should think positive be positive and do positive. Effective communication: Leader should be able to communicate his ideas and knowledge among the follower. There should be no misunderstanding and dilemma among the follower regarding the work assigned to them so, he should be able to communicate effectively. Confident and trustworthy: leader should be confident enough to say what he wants and how he want. He should be able to confidently present himself among the team member because the entire employee wants the guidance from the confident leader. He should also be trustworthy. He should be able to win the trust of his follower. Motivation: He should be able to motivate other to their assigned work. Every one are motivated in different way so he should know that which way is best for whom. Some are motivated from negative motivation and some are with positive so he should understand every one and take the right decision. Self-Esteem: Underlying everything, is a high sense of ones own self-worth. Without that, individuals will never undertake tough challenges. If one does not have it, its important to  develop self-esteem. A leader must have self esteem. Goal Orientation: A leader must e goal oriented. Every work what he does should be goal focus. For many, leadership characteristics of being focus on a goal can be difficult but a good leader always focuses on what he wants and how he wants. His every step is towards his goal. Courage: Many professors talk about entrepreneurs as risks takers. But this leadership characteristic is like saying snow is cold-its accurate but missing something. Another way is to say the same thing is that one must have guts. It requires a great deal of courage to build a company from the ground up. Tolerance of uncertain risk: A leader should have tolerant ability of uncertain risk or misshapen. There can occur uncertain risk in the future the leader should not run rather handle the situation and tolerate it. Being the leader is not small task you should have brilliant tolerant ability also. Dont tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. George S. Patton Everyone is not leader it is the fact everyone should accept it. You must have some leadership skill also to: Lead by leader: One of the best ways to lead is by example pitching in where needed, lending a helping hand and assuring that everything is done. Passion: A leader without passion is not the leader. be organized: A good leader should be well organized. Delegate: A leader cannot do anything alone so he should also delegate his power among the well deserved person. Great Listener.  A huge part of being a great communicator is being a great listener. Know your people: You should be able to now the nature of people because different people have different in nature. Be follower: all the great leaders are follower too so you leader can follow other good leader. The above mention skill and character I found and I am on them highly inspired by the Rob Fyfe and Alan Bollard. I feel that they have all the quality to be the leader and they are inspiring leader of this generation though they face unsuccessful some time. At first I want to talk about Rob Fyfe. Rob Fyfe: He was born on 6 May 1961and now he is a current Chief Executive Officer of New Zealand national airline Air New Zealand. He was born in New Zealand and graduated with Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) honors from the University of Canterbury in 1982. He currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand. He was previously General Manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Chief Operating Officer of ITV Digital (which went into bankruptcy while he was at the helm) and group general manager of Air New Zealand. Fyfe has been with the company since 2003. The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. Theodore Roosevelt I consider him a good leader because airline is going through the many difficulties like high fuel price, increased competition, global economy crash down etc. Fyfe, now into his fourth year at the top, he took stand in each difficult situation and each situation. He is the quick mover in charge. He was up front and available immediately after the crash of his one airplane, responding with an openness that is characteristic of his dealings with staff and passengers. He has given the high priority to the innovation in the company as a result Air New Zealand recently made the worlds first flight using a sustainable bio fuel. It also attempted sending a rocket into space. He listen to the every ideas of the employee and they has an interesting programme called Test Flight where employees share ideas to the executive team if the idea is chosen the person can work in the project and he also can have share in the profit. While mass layoffs have been a feature of other airlines response to the crises facing aviation, Air New Zealand has avoided this around 200 of 11,000 staff will go early next year. His positive nature an can do attitude was always seen in his leadership. He says We operate this airline in a New Zealand way were not trying to emulate a Singapore Airlines or emulate a McDonalds. Were trying to go out there day in and day out and trying to be authentic Kiwis and give people a real genuine New Zealand experience. He never stop working in his product and improvising it. Due to his leadership and his dedication made Air New Zealand Airline of the Year by the Air Transport World Magazine. My other inspirational leader is Alan Bollard. This year has been really difficult and challenging due to economic crisis but the man tasked with maintaining that structure in these difficult times is the Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard. Alan Bollard  born on 1951 in  Auckland is the current governor of the  Reserve Bank of New Zealand, having been appointed on 23 September 2002. He succeeded  Donald Brash  in this role. His earlier public service included four years as Secretary to the  Treasury, and time as head of the  Commerce Commission. He headed the  New Zealand Institute of Economic Research  (1987-1994) and has edited or written at least three books about economic reform in  New Zealand. He gained a PhD in Economics from the  University of Auckland  in 1977 and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by the same university in 2007. Bollard has had to face with the steepest commodity price rise and then with the global financial crisis since the great depression. But he has not been afraid of recession. He had confident on himself and on what he was doing. He always says that bank are silence army always prepare themselves foe the uncertain future so he was always ready to face what comes on future. He says that we should be worry about what comes in next year though we can learn from the previous year and should never do such mistake again. He was future oriented. He follows the Integrity (being professional and exercising), Innovation (actively improving what we do) and inclusion (working together for a more effective bank. The very essence of leadership is its purpose. And the purpose of leadership is to accomplish a task. That is what leadership does-and what it does is more important than what it is or how it works. Colonel Dandridge M. Malone He always tries toinnovate new for the more effective being professional. His leadership was so good that he got credit from the Westpac chief Brendan ODonovan for not being afraid of engineering a recession when curbing inflation and other excesses requires. he was able to lead the bank successfully so that he won the Heralds 2008 New Zealand Business Man of the Year. Its easy to be the leader but hard to be the good leader. Both business leader have so many similar qualities which made them a good business leader. Both leader believes on their work. They were future oriented and goal oriented thought they are from different field of business, one is of airlines and other is bank. They faced many challenges (recession, commodities price high etc.)but they never back out from the situation. They always thought about the employees and their benefit also. They didnt became leader from less effort they give their heart to it so that they are her tasting the fruit of success. They mainly follow: Be good Know your role Take responsibilities Take risk Decision on right time Innovation of ideas Participation of employees Know your strength and weakness Accept the change Find your unique selling point Dont give up So they can be taken as the good example of leader and can learn many thing from their life. There are less leader who became the leader overnight but you need long hard work and determination to be the good leader. There are many leader in the history who agve their life being leader. Every country have the story of leader who gave their life saving the country. Leader are in every field other than business also. Leadership quality is not in born it shoul be acquire with strong willpower, determination and hard work. You should know that everyone cannot be the leader and leader are Leadership is understanding people and involving them to help you do a job. That takes all of the good characteristics, like integrity, dedication of purpose, selflessness, knowledge, skill, implacability, as well as determination not to accept failure. Admiral Arleigh A. Burke also once the follower of some other leader. Leadership can be inside of you also you just need to find that and work on it. Who knows you can be also the successful leader of the future. There can be success waitng you far away just know your character and skill.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

George Frederic Handel :: essays research papers

George Frideric Handel   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  George Frideric Handel was one of the greatest composers of the late baroque period (1700-1750) and, during his lifetime, perhaps the most internationally famous of all musicians. Handel was born February 24, 1685, in Halle, Germany, to a family of no musical background. His own musical talent, however, began to show before his tenth birthday. He received lessons from a local organist, the only musical instruction he would ever have. His first job was as church organist in Halle. In 1703 he traveled to Hamburg, Germany. It was here, in 1704, he composed his first opera, Almira. After achieving great success he soon felt the urge to move on to Italy, the birthplace of operatic style. He first stopped at Florence in the fall of 1706. Later on in the spring and summer of 1707 and 1708 he went to Rome, and in the late spring of 1707 he made a trip to Naples. In Italy Handel composed operas, oratorios, and many secular cantatas; he ended his Italian trip with the spectacular success of his fifth opera, Agrippina (1709), in Venice. Other Composers of George Frideric Handel’s Time Bach was a German organist and composer of the baroque era, one of the greatest and most productive geniuses in the history of Western music. In 1756 Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria. One of the greatest composers in Western music tradition, Mozart began composing at age five. By the time he was 13, he had written sonatas, operettas, and symphonies. His works include The Marriage of Figaro , Don Giovanni, and The Magic Flute. Beethoven was one of the world's greatest composers was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770, Beethoven began to lose his hearing in 1802. By 1817 he was totally deaf. Beethoven wrote classical pieces greater than anyone else of his time like his third Symphony, Eroica and his Ninth Symphony. The Ninth Symphony, composed in 1824, begins with â€Å"void music† which may have originated in the silence and gloom of Beethoven's own deafness, but the symphony then explodes with a wonderful array of sounds. One of the most beautiful pieces of music ever composed. Arts and Architecture The Taj Mahal in India was completed in 1648.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Myth on Change Management

Bill, lost his job recently. It seems his company was downsized, his well developed skills were no longer required. It's tempting to claim his company was at fault. But the fault was his and his alone. Let me explain why. Things are changing incredibly fast. Yesterday's idea, is an emerging technology today, mainstream news tomorrow and history by next week. And†¦ everyone contributes to the speed of change. There's a myth about management, since we're responsible for so much change, we must be good at coping with it. I've observed the exact opposite. Managers have great difficulty accepting change. They tend to get complacent in their ‘secure' status quo. They believe the skills they've acquired, will serve them well into the future, in spite of all Take a close look at business magazines. Each issue offers something new, something different. Each advertisement promises to increase productivity, to increase efficiency, to inflict change upon our unsuspecting organization. Used properly, magazines are a guidepost to the future. Ignore them and they'll get you downsized. Bill acquired his management skills in the trenches. He worked his way up through the ranks. He acquired a set of skills, and over the years, deepened them. He began to believe his tool kit of management techniques was complete. They'd served him well in the past, and would suffice in the future. Bill's error was not in his judgment of whether or not a particular skill was long lasting. Bill's error had little if anything to do with ‘management skills.' His error lay in his world view. He believed his world would stay the same. Somehow he's protected from change. Somehow he alone is immune. Shielded in immunity, he gives no thought to a ‘different' tomorrow. He leans on his illusion of status quo, even while destroying the status quo of others. He's not alone in this. He's joined by politicians, unions, successful companies, staff, by anyone and everyone who's comfortable with past achievements. How do you prepare for the future? Step one is trivial†¦ Acknowledge uncertainty. That alone, will keep you from being complacent. That alone, will have you thinking about alternatives. That alone, will remind you that you're not alone. Everybody is faced with the same uncertainty. Welcome to the future! Next – you're not your business card. No matter what your title, no matter what your function, you're more than a ‘box' on an org chart. You're a collection of skills with the ability to learn new ones. These steps do little to change the future. Accepting uncertainty and solid self assessment is a good strategy, but without a plan of action, they'll add up to nothing. Assume you're fired tomorrow, what would you do? Sounds drastic, but it happens every day to thousands of people from ‘every walk of life.' So why not to you? What better time to contemplate it, than today, when you still have a job, and time to plan? Bill lost his job because he couldn't see beyond his status quo. Don't make that same mistake, contemplate this issue of Words of Mouth devoted to Change. Ask the question†¦ â€Å"What's my place in the uncertainty I'm helping create?† Then leap into your future. What is the only thing constant in our lives? CHANGE impacts everything we do and is never-ending. Whether technological, psychological, physical or emotional in nature, we must learn how to deal with change effectively if In programs I have conducted for clients, their most frequent requests are in two areas: 1.What do I do with negative people? 2.How can I get people motivated? It could be argued these two areas have always been important. I have noticed the need for assistance with these areas is in direct proportion to the changes the organization is experiencing. We all go along our â€Å"merry-little-way† until one day and †¦ boom †¦ change appears. The change is sometimes our own doing but more often beyond our immediate control. When this occurs, the response is sometimes demonstrated in negativity or in an unwillingness to move. This constant newness is outside many people's comfort zones and they are confused as to how they should respond. My clients know change is inevitable and yet have staff who are reluctant to embrace the constantly changing environment. It may be management themselves who are reluctant to adopt the changes necessary for organizational success. Management and staff must deal with technological, psychological and personal changes, all of which impact on performance. People handle change in different ways. It is estimated as high as 78% of people are followers †¦ they do not want to be first at anything. They would rather wait until something happens and then copy what they see. Approximately 5% are leaders. The remaining 17% have no idea where everybody else went! I work with the 5 percenters who want to learn approaches which will produce the best results through encouraging the 78% to follow and drag along the 17% who aren't quite sure what is happening. I will never suggest all change will be enjoyable. I believe we have to learn to adapt to it. The good news about change is it happens so quickly that if you don't like the change, just wait and it will change again soon. The bad news is if you do like the change you had better enjoy it now because it will not be here very long. What can we do? I have found one of the biggest roadblocks to personal adaptation to change is the belief we can just relax in what I call the coast mode. Do you know anyone in the coast modeÉjust coasting, coasting? The problem is there is only one way you can coast and that is downhill. The last person to realize you are coasting is usually yourself. Each of us knows at least one person in our personal lives who is going downhill and has not realized it yet. Your staff sees you every day and will very quickly recognize which way you are going. In a terrific book I recently read entitled Flight Of The Buffalo by James A. Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer, the realization of managers that â€Å"I Am The Problem† is the first step in overcoming the â€Å"What do I do with negative people or How do I motivate people?† problems. Demonstrating calculated risk-taking and encouraging staff to do likewise creates a different mind-set towards change. People who are not encouraged to take risks will not. All of us have failed at least once in our lives. What do we remember longest†¦good experiences or bad? The bad ones discourage us about additional attempts. Overcoming our negative programming about failure is a key step towards meeting the challenge of change. Working with, or worse still, living with someone who does not want to change can be a very frustrating experience.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Communist Dictatorship in Cuba essays

The Communist Dictatorship in Cuba essays Cuba is a communist dictatorship, with Fidel Castro as the head of state. It does not have an independent judiciary nor does it have free elections. So the people of Cuba would be considered subjects to the country. Fidel Castro led a rebel army to overthrow the Cuban government and achieved victory in 1959. Cuba's communist revolution, with Soviet support, was exported throughout Latin America and Africa during the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. The country is now slowly recovering from a severe economic recession following the withdrawal of former Soviet subsidies, worth $4 billion to $6 billion annually, in 1990. Havana blames its difficulties on the US embargo in place since 1962. Cuba is a multiracial society with a population of mainly Spanish and African origins. The largest organized religion is the Roman Catholic 85%, Santeria 15%, a blend of Protestants, Jewish, Santerian, and native African religions. Roman Catholicism, is the most widely practiced religion in Cuba. Officially, Cuba has been an atheist state for most of the Castro era. However, a constitutional amendment adopted on July 12, 1992, changed the nature of the Cuban state from atheist to secular, enabling religious believers to belong to the Cuban Communist Party (PCC). Cuba is slightly smaller than Pennsylvania with a population of 11,730,400 (October 2002). The labor force is comprised of agriculture 23%, industry 24%, services 53% and they have an unemployment rate of 6%. Industries include sugar, petroleum, food, tobacco, textiles, chemicals, paper and wood products, metals (particularly nickel), cement, fertilizers, consumer goods, agricultural machinery. Cuba like all countries is comprised of many races of people. Ethnic divisions in Cuba include Mulatto 51%, European descent 37%, African descent 11%, and Chinese 1%. Cuba remains racially divided between the white haves and the black and mixed-race have-nots. It is safe to say Cuba is conflictual political cu...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

human cloning is it etical essays

human cloning is it etical essays Human cloning is the ability to take a cell from a human donor, take out the nucleus and place it in a unfertilized human egg. Finally the egg is placed into a female body in which the egg delelvops into a younger duplicate of the nucleus donor (sex depending on where the nucleus originated). However, in society such as ours which divides church and state, laws governing human cloning will have to reflect ethical positions that are not based on any God or set of religious beliefs. Issues that have been introduced are of the following: 2.degradation of the parent and family life 3.objectitivation of children and social harm. The possibilities of the embryo being harm are extremely high. For example, before scientists actually achieve the species Dolly it took a recorded 277 experimental tries. In case of humans, being a more complicated mammal, it would undoubtedly prove more in deaths and lethal birth defects. Suggestions to improve these complications are to use a large controlled pool of mammals so one can reduce the margin of error until it equals the normal risks of miscarriages and infant deaths. Secondly, the degradation of the quality of parenting and family life is also put into play. Meaning parents will began to value their expectation of the child instead of accepting the being for what it is a, beautiful innocent child. This kind of family transition can be described best in the Hollywood film Gattaca, in which genes were altered for a more desirable child/citizen. In addition to, The objectification of the children could arise as a result of an unhomely environment. Clones might be used to donate organs or replace a lost loved one. Such acts promote psychological damage that lasts a lifetime with the child feeling a lack of individuality and constrained by the history of their gene donor. Lastly, the possibility of social harm would be the final deteoriation of the cl ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fundamental Duties Influences Practice and Decision Making of a Nurse Coursework - 4

Fundamental Duties Influences Practice and Decision Making of a Nurse - Coursework Example In accordance with the Hippocratic Oath and Nightingale pledge, the fundamental duties of a nurse can be apparently observed as adopting along with executing various preventives measures for eliminating any sort of risk that arise during the treatment procedure or at the time of conducting clinical works and delivering positive outcomes in future. By evaluating the Hippocratic Oath and Nightingale pledge, it can be reckoned that the nurses will provide quality care to the patients by taking guidance of the oath.   This eventually influences the practice and also the decision-making procedure of the nurses in the form of various ways. These ways comprise maintaining integrity within the operational procedure, preserving privacy and most importantly ensuring that the confidentiality rights of the patients during treatment are well derived (McMullen, Howie, Howie & Philipsen, 2013).     The other fundamental duty of the nurses, as described by the Hippocratic Oath and Nightingale pledge, is identified to be taking effective decisions relating to the development of patients’ healthcare. The nurses are responsible for taking decisions that can prove to be beneficial in enhancing the well-being of the patients.   In this regard, nurses usually become responsible for taking ethical decisions relating to patients’ safety and health without hampering their respective rights. While providing care to the patients, the nurses need to follow certain code of ethics that are oriented within the Hippocratic Oath and Nightingale pledge. This factor ultimately influences a nurse’s practice as well as decision making towards deriving varied positive outcomes, which could be measured in the form of improving the wellbeing of the patients (McMullen et al., 2013).  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Critically appraise the key concepts and principles of the theory and Essay

Critically appraise the key concepts and principles of the theory and practice of the Person Centred approach - Essay Example Carl Rogers (a major contributor of the person centred model) emphasized the humanistic perspective as well as ensuring healing relationships with clients promote self-esteem, authenticity and actualization in their life, and help them to use their strengths (Seligman, 2006). Person-centred model has two primary goals, which are increased self-esteem and greater openness to experience. Attempts are made to facilitate related changes and seek to promote in clients the following: closer agreement between the clients idealized and actual selves; better self-understanding; lower levels of defensiveness, guilt, and insecurity; more positive and comfortable relationships with others; and an increased capacity to experience and express feelings at the moment they occur (Rogers, 1980). Person-centred model here means research that focuses on the person as a core of the study. The person then becomes the main conceptual unit and also often the main analytical unit. Person-centred model can be contrasted to variable-centred model where the focus is on the variable as the main conceptual and analytical unit. Variable- centred model is far more common but is not the topic of this article. For example training can be classified into variable-centred approach where the main focus is on the content of course which is being trained while coaching is person centred where the main focus is the person being trained not the content of the training. Person-centred model does not need to be quantitative and can in certain situations be carried out by case-oriented model and by using a qualitative model. Obviously, the study of the single individual, studied quantitatively using the technique, is in one way person-centred, but is not normally so according to the definition given above (since the focus is usually then on relationships between variables within the individual). The perspective given in this paper is of

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assess the concept of cosmopolitan democracy Essay

Assess the concept of cosmopolitan democracy - Essay Example Later on, other important issues such as global environmental problems, global justice system, crimes against humanity and economic and cultural globalisation added to the global peace concern. The concept of cosmopolitan democracy was supposed to resolve or at least alleviate these global problems. The main idea of cosmopolitan democracy is to design and implement "a system of governance arising from and adapting to the diverse conditions and interconnections between different peoples and nations" (Held, 1998: 25). David Held and Daniele Archibugi, the most renowned European theorists of cosmopolitan democracy, argue that although democracy has gained universal acclaim as the best form of political establishment after fall of the Iron Curtail and end of the Cold War, it influences only domestic level, while the realm of international relations remains practically unaffected by democratic processes. International institutions, including the United Nations organization and European Union do not care much about democratisation of their activities which results in lack of accountability and restricted public access to information. The risk is that if this tendency remains, democratic forms of governance will give up to authoritarianism (McGrew, 2002). Cosmopolitanism offers an alternative that helps effectively fi... Democracy is to be conceptualized as a process, rather than as a set of norms and procedures. A feuding system of states hampers democracy within states. Democracy within states favours peace, but does not necessarily produce a virtuous foreign policy. Global democracy is not just the achievement of democracy within each state. Globalization erodes states' political autonomy and thereby curtails the efficacy of state-based democracy. The stakeholders' communities in a relevant and growing number of specific issues do not necessarily coincide with states' territorial borders. Globalization engenders new social movements engaged with issues that affect other individuals and communities, even when these are geographically and culturally very distant from their own political community (Archibugi, 2004: 439). These assumptions suggest that contemporary form of national democracy must be seriously transformed in order to survive. Firstly, the sovereignty of the nation states must be restricted by increasing numbers of international treaties and conventions. Secondly, the existing international governing structures must be reformed to provide a better opportunity for international dialogue and democratic decision-making. Thus, Derk Bienen, another known theorist of cosmopolitan democracy, claims that in order to achieve these goals the UN must establish a second chamber consisting of members elected directly by people, the veto-right of the Security Council should be limited, and the system of international courts has to be strengthened and reformed in a way to provide better protection for individuals. Initially, the UN was founded not as an assembly of democratic states: the primary purpose of this organization was to prevent military conflicts similar to WWII.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Philippine Currency Evolution Essay Example for Free

The Philippine Currency Evolution Essay During the Spanish occupation, when they came here in the Philippines in 1521 they brought with them the first European coin called teston. Also it is the first silver coin. When the Galleon trade exercised the earliest coins during the Spanish colonization was the Macuqinas or the cobs. It has a irregular, oddly-shaped coins stamped with a cross on the other side side and a royal coat of armson the other. These coins circulated over 183 years from 1585 to 1768. During the reign of King Philip the fifth of Spain the first rounded machine struck coins with milted edges appeared. These coins called the Dos Mundos or Columnarias. It is one of the most beautiful coin ever produce. It came the time of the coins ? Barillas ¶, the first copper coins to be minted in thePhilippines and after how many colonizers came to our country currency changes. Coins from other Spanish colonies also reached the Philippines and were counter stamped. Gold coins with the portrait of Queen Isabela were minted in Manila. Silver pesos with the profile of young Alfonso XIII were the last coins minted in Spain. The pesos fuertes, issued by the country’s first bank, the El Banco Espanol Filipino de Isabel II, were the first paper money circulated in the country. 898-1899 Asserting its independence, the Philippine Republic of 1898 under General Emilio Aguinaldo issued its own coins and paper currency backed by the country’s natural resources. One peso and five peso notes printed as Republika Filipina Papel Moneda de Un Peso and Cinco Pesos were freely circulated. 2 centimos de peso copper were also issued in 1899. 1900-19 41 The Americans instituted a monetary system for the Philippine based on gold and pegged the Philippine peso to the American dollar at the ratio of 2:1. The new design series of banknotes issued in 1985 replaced the ABL series. Ten years later, a new set of coins and notes were issued carrying the logo of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. As the repository and custodian of country’s numismatic heritage, the Museo ng Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas collects, studies and preserves coins, paper notes, medals, artifacts and monetary items found in the Philippines during the different historical periods. It features a visual narration of the development of the Philippine economy parallel to the evolution of its currency.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Home Schooling :: Free Essay Writer

Home Schooling Is home schooling a better option for our children? I believe that the author’s main point is that there are two dissimilar types of group’s that home school, and additionally that parents can customize there children’s schooling is a â€Å"Consumer mentality†. The two categories of home schooling have â€Å"Emerged†, both of which is complicated about customization.† The superior of the grouping is the â€Å"Christian right†, although home schooling has grow to be a much more diverse endeavors in the past 10 years†. The â€Å"Strength as a social movement and the majority of is practitioners are conservative Christians.† Both kinds of home schooled as in the, â€Å"Family unit who instructs the child exclusively at home and the family unit who inquires about some interface with the community school organization is practicing customizing in education.† In addition, home schooling is supplementary than an, â€Å"Education alternative.† It is also a societal interest group, in 1986; approximately 50,000 offspring were being sophisticate at there dwelling. â€Å"In 2002, at slightest 1 million offspring’s is being home school; with some approximation attach the quantity at 2 million, and amplify of 20†. I believe that the instigator purpose of the commentary is that, â€Å"Parents view their child’s education on a matter of properly under their control, and no one else’s†. In addition, that some of the parents feel that they are, â€Å"Entitled to purchase the education of their child from the market place of learning material†. I consider that all parents should have the chose to customize their child’s education, to their own characteristics. If parents want to protect their children from diverse things in the world, in that case they should be capable to. In addition, I concur with that how home schooling parents are so dedicated to their children having an excellent education. I agree with the author stated that home schooling seems to be â€Å"Wonderful if people think about education as a consumption tool†. My position of the commentary is that I concur with what the author declared in the entire article. I believe parents that home school their children are significantly worried about how their children obtain their education, and that they would do anything for there child to have an excellent education. Residency is the societal adhesive that unites the diverse people together; to be a national is to contribute to something in common with one’s fellow citizens. As the legal scholar Sunstein (2001) has argue, a â€Å"Heterogeneous society† with out some share experiences and some common values.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Financial Independence and the Single Woman Essay

Most, if not all of Jane Austen’s renowned novels feature the trials and tribulations of single women—from Pride and Prejudice, to Sense and Sensibility, to Emma. The focus is specifically on the concept of marriage as the only viable choice for a single woman, if she wished to live substantially in her later years. However, while the subject of being wed to a suitable gentleman is present in Emma, the main character possesses a quality different from those in the other stories mentioned—Emma Woodhouse is financially stable. Therefore, this discussion of Austen’s Emma will be done through a different angle, which runs contrary to the author’s quote above. Matrimony in Emma is thoroughly explored and its nature as a solution for an unmarried woman’s future, yet it apparently does not apply to the story’s protagonist. Further arguments will expose the same logic as it is perceived today—after all, Austen wrote most of her work during the mid- to late 19th century. II. Emma Woodhouse and Matchmaking The penchant of the title character for matching her women friends with possible grooms composes the running narrative of the story. Because of a previous success, Emma decides to do the same for her friend Harriet Smith, an innocent but socially-inept young woman. Emma pours all of her efforts in setting Harriet up with the pompous Mr. Elton, and cut all possibilities of Harriet’s consideration of a marriage proposal she had received from Mr. Martin, a young farmer. Eventually, after many plot twists and turns and appearances of more characters, her plans backfire as the arrogant Elton reveals his true desire for Emma, and not for Harriet. Harriet happily ends up with Martin, and Emma admits to her own affections for her longtime friend Mr. Knightley. It is obvious that Emma’s obsession with matchmaking does not cover merely attraction; she chose Mr. Elton for Harriet mainly because of his financial stability, being the local vicar. Compared to the income of a regular farmer, a vicar would ensure a better life for Harriet. Clearly, the era’s societal norms and economic potential for women are at play, for woman were generally not entitled to many occupational choices; the most common would be as a family teacher or governess, both which are not financially rewarding. But the biggest bane of women then was the possibility of being single until they reach an age unacceptable for marriage—which would be around the mid-20s. For Emma, born into a wealthy family and allowed to make her own decisions, the best way to make sure her less fortunate women friends would have good lives ahead would be to marry a rich man. This is not explicitly implied in the story, as Emma’s designs were disguised as just a bored, rich girl’s newest hobby. However, in analyzing her own conditions as well as her initial rejection of the poor Mr. Martin for Harriet, it is obvious that she subscribes to the concept of marriage being the only solution for women other than herself.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle In a perfect world we would all be  eating the right food,  exercising, sleeping well  and just generally enjoying life. In the real world most of us manage a percentage of the  healthy lifestyle  and muddle through as best we can with the rest of it. Part of the problem is we are encouraged to think, mostly by the media, that we should be doing everything possible towards a healthy lifestyle, all of the time. For most of us this is just not possible. Constant concern about what we should or shouldn't be doing causes our stress levels to go up and that negates any good work that we've done. Yes, we should certainly try for a healthy lifestyle, but the two key words are â€Å"moderation† and â€Å"balance†. By applying these criteria to achieving a healthy lifestyle we won't be beating ourselves up for failing another diet or dropping out of the latest exercise regime. A common mistake that many people make when they decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to try to do too much too soon. They then give themselves a guilt complex when it all falls apart. It is also easy to be influenced by others, when we should only be adopting a healthy lifestyle plan to suit ourselves. Ah! Did I say lifestyle plan? Do you have one, or do you just try the next thing that is in your magazine or Sunday supplement? By all means read these articles and take them into account as you  plan how you want your healthy lifestyle to take shape. Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have got to run a mile before breakfast, eat seeds and think pure thoughts. Great if that's what you want, but for most of us â€Å"healthy† means being in reasonable shape, eating our fruit and vegetables and generally having a feeling of vitality. Decide on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, and then plan a strategy that works for you. As part of my health plan I decided I wanted to walk in the mornings before breakfast, but there was no way I wanted to get up at the crack of dawn to do it. So I planned a ten minute circuit that includes a short flight of steps and a not too steep incline. I power walked that route every day and felt really good. Sure l wouldn’t make the City to Surf marathon, but I compromised and made it work for me. Today, much is made of organic foods, but the reality is that organic food is generally more expensive and well out of the range for most budgets. Yes organic is probably the best option, but it doesn't mean that if you're not eating all organic you are not eating right. If you're concerned about general produce, be a bit discerning when you shop. Look for fruit and vegetables that are fresh and unblemished. You should also buy product brands that you can trust. If you shop wisely, you can have a well-balanced healthy diet that won't break the bank. Basically living a healthy life means looking at your lifestyle as a whole, it is not just about diet and exercise. It is not always necessary to make major changes. Most people know their weak spots, and are happy if they can make a few changes that show results. A friend of mine was drinking several cans of soft drink a day. She was feeling tired and generally under the weather. When I read an article about the health risk of soft drink I copied it and gave it to her, whereupon she decided to give up the soft drink there and then. A week later she got back to me and said she couldn't believe the difference, her energy levels were up and she was feeling great. Just that one change was able to make a difference and she feels good about the healthy choice. Sleep and leisure time play a big part in a healthy lifestyle,   and for the most part people underestimate the value of good sleep. Our bodies aren’t designed to operate at peak performance twenty four hours a day. Anyone in industry knows that machines that have to work continuously need a lot of maintenance. When we are sleeping our body is healing and regenerating itself and we should wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. We can go without sleep for extended periods, but we can't do it indefinitely. The amount of sleep an individual needs varies a great deal, and there is no such thing as the right time to sleep. Obviously most people sleep at night, but if you are one of those folk that comes alive in the small hours, you might need to catch up with your sleep during the day. A big part of healthy living is being comfortable with yourself. Don't be pressured into trying to attain a certain look, or push yourself down a career path you are not suited to. Constant worry about what you are doing will only have the opposite effect on your health. Don't get paranoid about your  diet,  about what toothpaste you should use or about expensive exercise equipment you need to buy. Allow a common sense approach to dictate when you are making lifestyle choices, and remember, there is nothing wrong with compromise if it means your healthy lifestyle plan will work for you. Article source : http://www. wellbeing-information. com/article-healthy-lifestyle. html Healthy Lifestyle Healthy Lifestyle In a perfect world we would all be  eating the right food,  exercising, sleeping well  and just generally enjoying life. In the real world most of us manage a percentage of the  healthy lifestyle  and muddle through as best we can with the rest of it. Part of the problem is we are encouraged to think, mostly by the media, that we should be doing everything possible towards a healthy lifestyle, all of the time. For most of us this is just not possible. Constant concern about what we should or shouldn't be doing causes our stress levels to go up and that negates any good work that we've done. Yes, we should certainly try for a healthy lifestyle, but the two key words are â€Å"moderation† and â€Å"balance†. By applying these criteria to achieving a healthy lifestyle we won't be beating ourselves up for failing another diet or dropping out of the latest exercise regime. A common mistake that many people make when they decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to try to do too much too soon. They then give themselves a guilt complex when it all falls apart. It is also easy to be influenced by others, when we should only be adopting a healthy lifestyle plan to suit ourselves. Ah! Did I say lifestyle plan? Do you have one, or do you just try the next thing that is in your magazine or Sunday supplement? By all means read these articles and take them into account as you  plan how you want your healthy lifestyle to take shape. Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have got to run a mile before breakfast, eat seeds and think pure thoughts. Great if that's what you want, but for most of us â€Å"healthy† means being in reasonable shape, eating our fruit and vegetables and generally having a feeling of vitality. Decide on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, and then plan a strategy that works for you. As part of my health plan I decided I wanted to walk in the mornings before breakfast, but there was no way I wanted to get up at the crack of dawn to do it. So I planned a ten minute circuit that includes a short flight of steps and a not too steep incline. I power walked that route every day and felt really good. Sure l wouldn’t make the City to Surf marathon, but I compromised and made it work for me. Today, much is made of organic foods, but the reality is that organic food is generally more expensive and well out of the range for most budgets. Yes organic is probably the best option, but it doesn't mean that if you're not eating all organic you are not eating right. If you're concerned about general produce, be a bit discerning when you shop. Look for fruit and vegetables that are fresh and unblemished. You should also buy product brands that you can trust. If you shop wisely, you can have a well-balanced healthy diet that won't break the bank. Basically living a healthy life means looking at your lifestyle as a whole, it is not just about diet and exercise. It is not always necessary to make major changes. Most people know their weak spots, and are happy if they can make a few changes that show results. A friend of mine was drinking several cans of soft drink a day. She was feeling tired and generally under the weather. When I read an article about the health risk of soft drink I copied it and gave it to her, whereupon she decided to give up the soft drink there and then. A week later she got back to me and said she couldn't believe the difference, her energy levels were up and she was feeling great. Just that one change was able to make a difference and she feels good about the healthy choice. Sleep and leisure time play a big part in a healthy lifestyle,   and for the most part people underestimate the value of good sleep. Our bodies aren’t designed to operate at peak performance twenty four hours a day. Anyone in industry knows that machines that have to work continuously need a lot of maintenance. When we are sleeping our body is healing and regenerating itself and we should wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. We can go without sleep for extended periods, but we can't do it indefinitely. The amount of sleep an individual needs varies a great deal, and there is no such thing as the right time to sleep. Obviously most people sleep at night, but if you are one of those folk that comes alive in the small hours, you might need to catch up with your sleep during the day. A big part of healthy living is being comfortable with yourself. Don't be pressured into trying to attain a certain look, or push yourself down a career path you are not suited to. Constant worry about what you are doing will only have the opposite effect on your health. Don't get paranoid about your  diet,  about what toothpaste you should use or about expensive exercise equipment you need to buy. Allow a common sense approach to dictate when you are making lifestyle choices, and remember, there is nothing wrong with compromise if it means your healthy lifestyle plan will work for you. Article source : http://www. wellbeing-information. com/article-healthy-lifestyle. html Healthy Lifestyle A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic illnesses and other health risks such as: †¢ obesity †¢ heart disease †¢ diabetes †¢ cancer etc A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets. There are a number of diets and recommendations by numerous medical and governmental institutions that are designed to promote certain aspects of health. However the most recommended diet is a BALANCED DIET. This diet is even indorsed and recommended by the World Health Organization A balanced diet is a diet that includes appropriate amount of nutrients especially the five major food groups. These five major food groups have been designed and put on a food pyramid to make it easier to understand. It is made up of †¢ carbohydrates †¢ vitamins and minerals †¢ proteins †¢ sugars and fats †¢ water The problem with eating unhealthy foods is  it makes you crave even more junk food. A  handful of chips usually leave you wanting more. Once you break the cycle of unhealthy eating, it’s easier to maintain good eating habits which lead to weight loss. Junk food includes foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cake, hot chips and pizza etc Unhealthy food not only makes one prone to more illnesses, but they can slow down a child’s development. Smoking and regular drinking are also unhealthy. Smoking can cause lung and respiratory diseases, loss of memory as well as skin, nail and teeth damage. Drinking on the other hand can cause serious cases of liver damage, blurred vision and one can even become dependent on this substance. I advise you stay away from any drinking and smoking. So, next time when someone offers you a smoke or a drink, rather take a glass of clean and fresh water! Stay safe! 1. Not smoking 2. Healthy weight 3. Eating healthy – minimum 5 vegetables and fruit per day 4. Exercising 30 minutes, 5 times per week 5. Sleeping for at least eight hours The following five countries participated in the global Youth Tobacco Survey: Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe (Global Youth Tobacco Survey Collaborative Group 2002). The survey showed a significant number of youths age 13 to 15 smoked cigarettes; many more used other tobacco products. Upper Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #1 Shoulder & Chest This can be performed kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Raise hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold. Stretch #2 Arm Across Chest Place one arm straight across chest. place hand on elbow and pull arm towards chest and hold. Repeat with other arm. Stretch #3 Triceps Stretch Place one hand behind back with elbow in air. Place other hand on elbow and gently pull towards head. Hold and repeat with other arm. [pic] Lower Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #4 Glute Stretch Sitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side. Stretch #5 Adductor Stretch Stand with feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as knee bends. Reach towards extended foot and hold. Repeat for other side. Stretch #6 Single Leg Hamstring Place leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend forward from the waist keeping your back flat. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #7 Standing Quadriceps Standing on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #8 Standing Calf Place feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep back leg straight and heel on the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with other leg. Healthy Lifestyle A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic illnesses and other health risks such as: †¢ obesity †¢ heart disease †¢ diabetes †¢ cancer etc A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets. There are a number of diets and recommendations by numerous medical and governmental institutions that are designed to promote certain aspects of health. However the most recommended diet is a BALANCED DIET. This diet is even indorsed and recommended by the World Health Organization A balanced diet is a diet that includes appropriate amount of nutrients especially the five major food groups. These five major food groups have been designed and put on a food pyramid to make it easier to understand. It is made up of †¢ carbohydrates †¢ vitamins and minerals †¢ proteins †¢ sugars and fats †¢ water The problem with eating unhealthy foods is  it makes you crave even more junk food. A  handful of chips usually leave you wanting more. Once you break the cycle of unhealthy eating, it’s easier to maintain good eating habits which lead to weight loss. Junk food includes foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cake, hot chips and pizza etc Unhealthy food not only makes one prone to more illnesses, but they can slow down a child’s development. Smoking and regular drinking are also unhealthy. Smoking can cause lung and respiratory diseases, loss of memory as well as skin, nail and teeth damage. Drinking on the other hand can cause serious cases of liver damage, blurred vision and one can even become dependent on this substance. I advise you stay away from any drinking and smoking. So, next time when someone offers you a smoke or a drink, rather take a glass of clean and fresh water! Stay safe! 1. Not smoking 2. Healthy weight 3. Eating healthy – minimum 5 vegetables and fruit per day 4. Exercising 30 minutes, 5 times per week 5. Sleeping for at least eight hours The following five countries participated in the global Youth Tobacco Survey: Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe (Global Youth Tobacco Survey Collaborative Group 2002). The survey showed a significant number of youths age 13 to 15 smoked cigarettes; many more used other tobacco products. Upper Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #1 Shoulder & Chest This can be performed kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Raise hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold. Stretch #2 Arm Across Chest Place one arm straight across chest. place hand on elbow and pull arm towards chest and hold. Repeat with other arm. Stretch #3 Triceps Stretch Place one hand behind back with elbow in air. Place other hand on elbow and gently pull towards head. Hold and repeat with other arm. [pic] Lower Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #4 Glute Stretch Sitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side. Stretch #5 Adductor Stretch Stand with feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as knee bends. Reach towards extended foot and hold. Repeat for other side. Stretch #6 Single Leg Hamstring Place leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend forward from the waist keeping your back flat. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #7 Standing Quadriceps Standing on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #8 Standing Calf Place feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep back leg straight and heel on the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with other leg. Healthy Lifestyle Healthy Lifestyle In a perfect world we would all be  eating the right food,  exercising, sleeping well  and just generally enjoying life. In the real world most of us manage a percentage of the  healthy lifestyle  and muddle through as best we can with the rest of it. Part of the problem is we are encouraged to think, mostly by the media, that we should be doing everything possible towards a healthy lifestyle, all of the time. For most of us this is just not possible. Constant concern about what we should or shouldn't be doing causes our stress levels to go up and that negates any good work that we've done. Yes, we should certainly try for a healthy lifestyle, but the two key words are â€Å"moderation† and â€Å"balance†. By applying these criteria to achieving a healthy lifestyle we won't be beating ourselves up for failing another diet or dropping out of the latest exercise regime. A common mistake that many people make when they decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle is to try to do too much too soon. They then give themselves a guilt complex when it all falls apart. It is also easy to be influenced by others, when we should only be adopting a healthy lifestyle plan to suit ourselves. Ah! Did I say lifestyle plan? Do you have one, or do you just try the next thing that is in your magazine or Sunday supplement? By all means read these articles and take them into account as you  plan how you want your healthy lifestyle to take shape. Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have got to run a mile before breakfast, eat seeds and think pure thoughts. Great if that's what you want, but for most of us â€Å"healthy† means being in reasonable shape, eating our fruit and vegetables and generally having a feeling of vitality. Decide on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, and then plan a strategy that works for you. As part of my health plan I decided I wanted to walk in the mornings before breakfast, but there was no way I wanted to get up at the crack of dawn to do it. So I planned a ten minute circuit that includes a short flight of steps and a not too steep incline. I power walked that route every day and felt really good. Sure l wouldn’t make the City to Surf marathon, but I compromised and made it work for me. Today, much is made of organic foods, but the reality is that organic food is generally more expensive and well out of the range for most budgets. Yes organic is probably the best option, but it doesn't mean that if you're not eating all organic you are not eating right. If you're concerned about general produce, be a bit discerning when you shop. Look for fruit and vegetables that are fresh and unblemished. You should also buy product brands that you can trust. If you shop wisely, you can have a well-balanced healthy diet that won't break the bank. Basically living a healthy life means looking at your lifestyle as a whole, it is not just about diet and exercise. It is not always necessary to make major changes. Most people know their weak spots, and are happy if they can make a few changes that show results. A friend of mine was drinking several cans of soft drink a day. She was feeling tired and generally under the weather. When I read an article about the health risk of soft drink I copied it and gave it to her, whereupon she decided to give up the soft drink there and then. A week later she got back to me and said she couldn't believe the difference, her energy levels were up and she was feeling great. Just that one change was able to make a difference and she feels good about the healthy choice. Sleep and leisure time play a big part in a healthy lifestyle,   and for the most part people underestimate the value of good sleep. Our bodies aren’t designed to operate at peak performance twenty four hours a day. Anyone in industry knows that machines that have to work continuously need a lot of maintenance. When we are sleeping our body is healing and regenerating itself and we should wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized. We can go without sleep for extended periods, but we can't do it indefinitely. The amount of sleep an individual needs varies a great deal, and there is no such thing as the right time to sleep. Obviously most people sleep at night, but if you are one of those folk that comes alive in the small hours, you might need to catch up with your sleep during the day. A big part of healthy living is being comfortable with yourself. Don't be pressured into trying to attain a certain look, or push yourself down a career path you are not suited to. Constant worry about what you are doing will only have the opposite effect on your health. Don't get paranoid about your  diet,  about what toothpaste you should use or about expensive exercise equipment you need to buy. Allow a common sense approach to dictate when you are making lifestyle choices, and remember, there is nothing wrong with compromise if it means your healthy lifestyle plan will work for you. Article source : http://www. wellbeing-information. com/article-healthy-lifestyle. html Healthy Lifestyle A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic illnesses and other health risks such as: †¢ obesity †¢ heart disease †¢ diabetes †¢ cancer etc A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets. There are a number of diets and recommendations by numerous medical and governmental institutions that are designed to promote certain aspects of health. However the most recommended diet is a BALANCED DIET. This diet is even indorsed and recommended by the World Health Organization A balanced diet is a diet that includes appropriate amount of nutrients especially the five major food groups. These five major food groups have been designed and put on a food pyramid to make it easier to understand. It is made up of †¢ carbohydrates †¢ vitamins and minerals †¢ proteins †¢ sugars and fats †¢ water The problem with eating unhealthy foods is  it makes you crave even more junk food. A  handful of chips usually leave you wanting more. Once you break the cycle of unhealthy eating, it’s easier to maintain good eating habits which lead to weight loss. Junk food includes foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, cake, hot chips and pizza etc Unhealthy food not only makes one prone to more illnesses, but they can slow down a child’s development. Smoking and regular drinking are also unhealthy. Smoking can cause lung and respiratory diseases, loss of memory as well as skin, nail and teeth damage. Drinking on the other hand can cause serious cases of liver damage, blurred vision and one can even become dependent on this substance. I advise you stay away from any drinking and smoking. So, next time when someone offers you a smoke or a drink, rather take a glass of clean and fresh water! Stay safe! 1. Not smoking 2. Healthy weight 3. Eating healthy – minimum 5 vegetables and fruit per day 4. Exercising 30 minutes, 5 times per week 5. Sleeping for at least eight hours The following five countries participated in the global Youth Tobacco Survey: Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe (Global Youth Tobacco Survey Collaborative Group 2002). The survey showed a significant number of youths age 13 to 15 smoked cigarettes; many more used other tobacco products. Upper Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #1 Shoulder & Chest This can be performed kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Raise hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold. Stretch #2 Arm Across Chest Place one arm straight across chest. place hand on elbow and pull arm towards chest and hold. Repeat with other arm. Stretch #3 Triceps Stretch Place one hand behind back with elbow in air. Place other hand on elbow and gently pull towards head. Hold and repeat with other arm. [pic] Lower Body Flexibility Exercises Stretch #4 Glute Stretch Sitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side. Stretch #5 Adductor Stretch Stand with feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as knee bends. Reach towards extended foot and hold. Repeat for other side. Stretch #6 Single Leg Hamstring Place leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend forward from the waist keeping your back flat. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #7 Standing Quadriceps Standing on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat with the other leg. Stretch #8 Standing Calf Place feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep back leg straight and heel on the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with other leg.